leonard267 wrote...
I see. The Chinese are homicidal. The Japanese, as we all know, are perverts. And the Jews have something to do with it.
Couldn't agree more hahaha, and if you wanna think something of Jews, think of them as some group of people who likes doing things for teh lulz =)
Xenon wrote...
Civilizations and its Discontent is also pretty good. If you can think of an emo of today about a century ago, that's about how it goes. Basically blaming civilization for being unhappy with itself. He is a wise man where you don't expect it, though. My favorite quote from him is on love and it comes from that book:
"I am, of course, speaking of the way of life which makes love the center of everything, which looks for all satisfaction in loving and being loved...It is that we are never so defenseless against suffering as when we love, never so helplessly unhappy as when we have lost our loved object or its love."
-Sigmund Freud, Civilizations and its Discontents
Great quote mang! Thanks for sharing, I shall get onto reading it when I can =D