Since I have no laptop here... short version.
I Been ill for awhile. My foot got swollen last Monday.thought another staph infection. Took more meds like the last time. Works little but I got puky and can't eat. I broke down and when to the clinic..... they rush me soooooooo sucking fast to the hospital. Full labs,Xray mah foot, central line into my vein to my heart..... bone infection.
Since my town sucks and there beds in Fresno I was rush to the wonderful city of Modesto where they last night after sooo many iv antibiotics they removed my pinky toe and some parts of my side foot and tendons .
Since I'm on a cell and it sucks at saving a session(I have to piss ) I have to keep it short and sweet. I be back in sometime later in the month with better description of my lack of sucking balance. Pics maybe. SEE YA IN HELP FGS.
Death....Well I coulda died. Something about septic gas and Necrosis. More painful. This one they just give me that shot that kill MJ the draining the pus, general during the sawing the toe, and 5cc of morphine when hes removed the gauze inside me when they changed my bandage. I actually can order more anytime, but morphine makes me feel stone face from fine lab made heroin . Hoping to go home by Sunday and not into rehabilitation for a month.
This message is dedicated to the person whom everyone is talking about.
If you die I swear I will find you and kill you to death until you die! I may not know you very well but if it means everyone else's happiness won't faulted a bit I'm game.
If I could if be there, but I already have a newly blind girl who may or may not be depressed to worry about.
Read your obituary and sorry to hear freaks, bone infections are really nasty work :/
Had a patient who had the same thing happen, but his kept returning so he lost both legs and some of his fingers. Great person though, organized sports related meets and charities for disabled children. Awesome person to take care of as well.
Best of luck to ya uncle freaks and keep a close eye on your condition once your better since this shit can reoccur sadly.
Nope, not today Freak, not this year, not this decade. Don't ya pull this stunt with us Freak, we already flapped goodbye to uncle Robin and uncle Winters, but it will not be you, uncle Freak!!! It shant not be you!!!