If you've had them for longer then a week or two and your bleeding (especially if there's pain or pus as well), I'd go see a physician. Ingrown toenails if not treated properly can lead to infection, which could lead to complications. If you have diabetes go to see someone asap because the lack of blood flow in relation to diabetes can lean to necrosis and gangrene.
The worst that will happen is they splint the nail or remove it entirely.
RealityBell wrote...
Get well soon. btw. speaking of ebola what's happening in the U.S it's all over the news here.
Basically US missionaries came back to the states infected with Ebola. Wasn't diagnosed as such until later (hospitals didn't know what they had), later both were hospitalized and quarantined. One of them died (70% mortality rate). The Ebola's been spreading and hospitals are not equipped to handle this shit. There's a possibility that this disease has mutated and is airborne, thus the spread of Ebola in the states.
Not surprised really since safety protocol is horse shit in hospitals. I see it broken more then I'd wish to see so the CDC is finally taking some action by sending specialists everywhere to help with this issue. People who have been in contact with others are being quarantined like crazy, some schools are being locked down. I don't think this will kill off the US, but it will get a bit worse before it gets better.
Oh and travel to and from Africa is still okay in the states where every other country has but a ban on it for the present time.