elfen lied wrote...
You don't have feelings. Your a man. You don't cry. The only time you get emotional is when football is on. You spend most of your life drinking beer and on the couch watching TV. By the time your 50 you'll have a beer gut that'll make you look like your pregnant. You will have a bad temper and constantly yell at your wife and kids. Face it, your a man - it's what men do.
2 things wrong with that right there
1. i have known blokes to cry and not over any sport
2. that is only a minority of blokes
nice men are like the rare items in a game you spent countless hours, cracking ur head to figure where they hide, sometimes u even got run over by the agony bulldozer so many times that makes u wanna go kill every guy u see in the street, but when u met 1 of them u feel like going to heaven for eternity and having ur life assured in ur hands. Where everything in life is granted and thats where many wishes come true.....