Zombie wrote...
You don't have feelings. Your a man. You don't cry. The only time you get emotional is when football is on. You spend most of your life drinking beer and on the couch watching TV. By the time your 50 you'll have a beer gut that'll make you look like your pregnant. You will have a bad temper and constantly yell at your wife and kids. Face it, your a man - it's what men do.
I can understand that you're upset at Bluesummers, but that's an unfair generalization. It's not like ALL men think like he does--so why should ALL men be pegged like he is? Look at his reputation. He's obviously not the most agreeable person around.
And that generalization is just wrong on every point. I don't have feelings because I'm a man? I'm with my girlfriend partially because she likes how sensitive I am. I'm not ashamed of it, I'm emotionally sensitive. I cry at beautiful sights, poems, and the ends of anime. I have no shame in admitting that. I don't watch football. I don't
like football. Personally, I don't like sports at all. I don't really watch TV, therefore I'm not on a couch. And I don't agree with alcohol. By the time I'm 50, I hope to be happily married to a wife who loves me and 2 kids that I can share the rest of my life with. Yes, I do have a temper. People like you give me tempers. I understand you're upset, but don't match his idiocy with idiocy of your own. People like you only exacerbate the situations they find themselves in. Face it, you're a bigot - it's what bigots do.