Manes wrote...
gizgal wrote...
Waar wrote...
Entirely possible you misread the signals and she just wants a friend.
Yeah, I'm not buying OP's sob story
So a concern is a sob? Christ woman, go back to the kitchen.
Well, one Manes: Yeah, bit of mix signalling there... so if you're really interested in a monogamous relationship, say so. So she says no. At least you can cut it off before you get more invested.
Two, you can rather bluntly be abrasive. Some push back may happen, and even taking you at your word as I am... my inclination is to be blunt, as I am with those I care about.
So bluntly. The only person you control here is you.
First, are you going to turn this into something you have to rehash a billion times? Or are you going to decide to take a sensible action, like ask about being exclusive or move on? And if you have moved on, are you wise enough to not upset yourself over it?
Second, any Should or Musts you have in your head about this girl or any other? Bullshit. If any of your thoughts on how women should be were universal law, they'd be like gravity and just happen. Concentrate on finding a girl that does fit what you want, and worry less about whether anyone who disagrees with you is out of their place.
Finally, take care of you. I mean that.