Please_don't_ban_me wrote...
devsonfire wrote...
Please_don't_ban_me wrote...
Before you leave, please justify your belief. I want to hear your empirical, ontological, and metaphysical arguments laid out. Please, inform the infidel, as I seem to have extrapolated the wrong information somewhere in the many times I read your holy book in multiple versions to be sure I was correct in my thinking.
If I was him, I wouldn't bother answering your answer.
Life is a choice, people make choices. Who are you to question his choice? I totally understand you're an atheist and you despise religion (from what I see), but he doesn't have to answer your question.
In regards to your later post.
Who am I to question? I'm a human being who must coexist with those who draw from bronze age mythology mythology as a source of moral guidance. Faith is simply the greatest ill any society has ever faced. It is dangerous, more so than any virus, bacteria, political ideal (see the fear and hatred of Communism, Marxism, Fascism, etc). It is a totalitarian system, this particular brand stretching back 6,000 years to its grim, infanticidal, genocidal, anti-human origins. Though it promotes in-group altruism, it also promotes out-group hostility, tribalism, agrees with slavery and, perhaps the worst offense, it encourages the notion of thought-crime. Simply put, it poisons everything and MUST be addressed before society can truly advance.
I won't oppose your opinion, opinion is everyone's right.
I guess it's your choice to choose to be an atheist. The only thing I disagree with after reading your response is that the fact you question people about what they believe, and it won't change. I guess these days everyone can question everything that you have, huh.
What you are doing isn't making things right. You're just creating conflict, the exact reason why hostility among other groups exist. Instead of questioning, you should try understanding. Not everyone has the same way of thinking as you do. Earth has 7 billions of population. Get real.