say what! wrote...
Please_don't_ban_me wrote...
say what! wrote...
Please_don't_ban_me wrote...
devsonfire wrote...
Please_don't_ban_me wrote...
Before you leave, please justify your belief. I want to hear your empirical, ontological, and metaphysical arguments laid out. Please, inform the infidel, as I seem to have extrapolated the wrong information somewhere in the many times I read your holy book in multiple versions to be sure I was correct in my thinking.
If I was him, I wouldn't bother answering your answer.
Life is a choice, people make choices. Who are you to question his choice? I totally understand you're an atheist and you despise religion (from what I see), but he doesn't have to answer your question.
In regards to your later post.
Who am I to question? I'm a human being who must coexist with those who draw from bronze age mythology mythology as a source of moral guidance. Faith is simply the greatest ill any society has ever faced. It is dangerous, more so than any virus, bacteria, political ideal (see the fear and hatred of Communism, Marxism, Fascism, etc). It is a totalitarian system, this particular brand stretching back 6,000 years to its grim, infanticidal, genocidal, anti-human origins. Though it promotes in-group altruism, it also promotes out-group hostility, tribalism, agrees with slavery and, perhaps the worst offense, it encourages the notion of thought-crime. Simply put, it poisons everything and MUST be addressed before society can truly advance.
And the winner for stereotypical atheist award goes to.
The fact that you are demanding someone to state the reason why they believe in something is funny.
You are as entertaining as the Xbox one showing
The challenge is simple, my reasons are outlined, my goal is clear. I am well read in several holy books and I know my history. That's just background information on me though, I oppose faith and openly question it when a public statement of faith is made because political correctness is also a societal ill we hoist up to the level of virtue. Question anything and everything, question me if you like, as long as we stay within words both of us can argue until one of us dies. If you want to quarrel with me please do so, it is your right as a sentient being. That's the real right, not to publicly make affirmations which can't stand to textual, literal, scientific, ethical or philosophical criticism.

Oh sweet jesus you are pure entertainment and
you are still winning the stereotypical atheist award.
That isn't a rebuttal, I'm just saying. Anyway, since you aren't making a statement either way I did fall for your troll, sokkudos, well played store, but that does make me question the internet, it's the only place outside of politics and faith where illogic and idiocy are applauded, anyway my question stands and awaits a serious reply, though I honestly don't expect it.
Edit: You know, this may be the Scotch, but asking simple questions and asking for empirical evidence is stereotypical of an atheist? Perhaps that's why we don't believe in iron age mythology...