Really.... Wow. I thought Australia was a super strict country.
It's weird that their willing to ban violent video games but they can't increase the drinking age to 21 and over.... The fck?
Really.... Wow. I thought Australia was a super strict country.
It's weird that their willing to ban violent video games but they can't increase the drinking age to 21 and over.... The fck?
Really.... Wow. I thought Australia was a super strict country.
It's weird that their willing to ban violent video games but they can't increase the drinking age to 21 and over.... The fck?
I'm Canadian though.
Ohh.... Woops. That's embarrassing, hehe sorry, I thought you were from Australia.
Really.... Wow. I thought Australia was a super strict country.
It's weird that their willing to ban violent video games but they can't increase the drinking age to 21 and over.... The fck?
Because a lot of young people want to get wasted therefore more money for the government.
Really.... Wow. I thought Australia was a super strict country.
It's weird that their willing to ban violent video games but they can't increase the drinking age to 21 and over.... The fck?
Because a lot of young people want to get wasted therefore more money for the government.
Really.... Wow. I thought Australia was a super strict country.
It's weird that their willing to ban violent video games but they can't increase the drinking age to 21 and over.... The fck?
Australia's law and society isn't strict at sightliest... Just arbitrary and reactionary.