Yuuki wrote...
I don't really visit IB that much but Fakku taught me more about 'Appreciating every Individual's Uniqueness' no matter how weird, deranged, retarded or etc they get.
That also counts. No wonder you're not as active[in ib], with all that acceptance and such.
Black Jesus JC wrote...
There was one time i went off on a chick(barely remember it, but i've had friends confirm it happened) but i don't think it was due to Fakku. but beyond that, i can't really think of anything. Perhaps joking about tetacle hentai more often than i used to?
Also, what exactly do you mean by "sissy"?
Nothing serious. My take on feminists and sissies is somewhat intertwined on practice.
say what! wrote...
Nope, I mostly do the opposite. I'm a guy who is nice, quiet, opens the door for people and treats others nicely or with respect. But, if you piss me off then ehh I'm an angry black man.
beta at heart, I feel you... yet it has nothing to do with ib, so go advertise yourself somewhere else.
Jonoe wrote...
Every year some user will post a " IB is not the same anymore" thread. Then, every 2-3 years the cliques in IB changes.
yes, started noticing that since (20)10's. I can relate to your sentiment, although there's nothing much to stomp about. Lurkers that still pop out have nothing on their minds 'cept Mote Mote and *insert trollstar of their time*. Sad people.
anyway, since no one can understand the complexity of my self-evaluations, I leave this topic to your discretion folks.