sepias wrote...
hahaha, well it's alright on my end thanks^^
That's good to know/hear. ^_^
Kaiyou wrote...
gabrielz wrote...
sepias wrote...
hey gab^^
how's it been without me?
Hmm, nothing special. It's still the same as usual. How about you?
Kaiyou wrote...
gabrielz wrote...
sepias wrote...
hey there again guys, how's it going?^^
yo! Welcome back sepias!
@ Kaiyou > That's also uncertain. I don't believe it though. There is still no legitimate proof of that.
well yea,
but sometimes i here peoplez say 'he looks abnormal'
You actually believe in
gossips rumors? OMG! :D
no it's more of like opinions of the people.
I see, but if it really is true then we're all....