KageNoKyo wrote...
/a/ has always been autists.
But they're autists capable of action. They have done things inside and outside the internet and you'd be ignorant to laugh them off as a baseless threat.
While you guys pretend to have a "life", unmindful of your privileges; anons have been fighting against shills like Jewcob to make sure that those privileges are kept free and available.
Its indeed a selfish endeavor, but damn it, at least we're fighting for something important in our lives and all that emotion makes us feel alive. Even if that emotion happens to be hate, malice and rage.
PS: It also doesn't help Jacob that he piqued /pol/ and /b/'s attention. He's a walking caricature.
One should never do something that takes the benefits of others.
I honestly don't care what /a/ thinks about Jacob, whining all about how Jake took
our free privileges. But if they plan on doing so, do it without the expense of other people that has nothing to do with it.
I'm not sure if this was the work of /a/, but disabling Fakku has put those that had nothing to do with it at a disadvantage. Granted, it's nothing major, but it is still a disadvantage for these people. Or death threats to Jacob's family (I'm also not sure if this actually happened, but if it does, it's way over the limit).
I have to agree though that to be able to "feel alive" is indeed something good, especially when someone has a mundane life and are to die without feeling that they have accomplished anything.