Ultramarinus wrote...
You got your answer about that, even though it's an obvious situation.
Quite true
Ultramarinus wrote...
I was criticizing this 'moral high ground' and claim of repentance as fake. Fakku is still a pirating site. The change is that it's a commissioned pirateer now that only attacks rival companies' ships.
Who claimed repentance, and who was holding a moral high ground? From my understanding, it was people critisizing weebs for crying over having to pay for something/ for not being able to access content without paying that you won't be able to on any other site anyway, nor would you be able to if fakku
hadn't made the deal.
As I said, it's not attacking other ships, that was already done by wani. As the content is still wani's, the content removal still applies.
Ultramarinus wrote...
Convention work includes doujins (parodies) and stuff that don't involve a publisher. Since there's no intermediary, mangaka keeps more of a profit there. Fakku still is pirating those and that's an even bigger blow to the creators that they're claiming to support. They told that they won't be translating those, so pirating of your favorite mangaka will continue on this site that claims to support them!
So, first of all; yes. They do convention work, due to a lack of funds, of which pirating can kill, which the removal of it from pirate ships sorts some of. They also do it to get extra money in their pocket, and to meet fans, etc. Fairly sure fakku isn't pirating the art work they are commissioned at conventions, as that's not what it does. Commissioned doujins? Maybe.
Ultramarinus wrote...
Jacob doesn't need to do a thing about it. They'll be aggressive now because it means a challenge to their business. Fakku Books is the reason even if Jacob told them not to do it, which he didn't. In fact he keeps telling it's their right. Even if it's true, he doesn't really mind it. His attitude and position is irrelevant in any case as long as the deal stands.
So they'll do similar things with other companies like J-list,
Which they have already been doing. Perhaps wani isn't the first to do such a deal, just the first to do such with fakku? Perhaps wani is the only one that has called for the removal of it's content from hosting sites such as this? Seems to me like wani is jumping on a ship here for more sales, following other examples. Not doing something overly new and insane.
Ultramarinus wrote...
As legit as the mafia operating a restaurant or laundry shop on the sidelines. Does that make mafia a legit organization? Legit would mean no dirty business to keep the ship afloat. As the laundry shop wouldn't sustain Corleones, I doubt Mega Milk t-shirts would sustain Fakku. (this mafia thing is just an analogy, don't take it seriously BTW)
As said earlier, big difference between hosting anime porn, and murder/ money laudering/ control of a city area. Horrible horrible analogies.
Two things for it;
1. There is more ads on the forum side of things than the doujin side, and with the amount of people who do both things with adblock, the revenue raised wouldn't be much. As I said, if it was making enough money to support the forums, and jacob, he wouldn't have opened the shop now, would he? Strictly business.
2. There is literally 20x more things in the store than just the mega milk shirts. doujins from -Guess what- a previous deal with mangaka. as well as visual novels and what not. Take it how you want, but to compare this site to something that makes tonnes of money (ignoring the murder and other irrelevant bits) on the side, is just stupid. Making enough to host a server full of what you call
illegal porn, does not equate to either of those examples given. You can claim they were joke analogies, but they weren't. They were dumb.
Ultramarinus wrote...
Mangakas aren't their staff. Mangakas are more like football players and they can change their companies. Wani doesn't pay a penny for stuff they create if they're not the one publishing it. This would include convention work, doujins and short mangas as I mentioned previously.
Well no shit. That's the point, of course wani isn't going to pay them if they aren't releasing their work. That's how it works. They get money from wani for their work released through wani. The other stuff is just for extra coin on the side/ to get their name out there more.
Ultramarinus wrote...
An amount will trickle to them for their contracted works but that would still be a slim amount. That's okay but the most they would earn would be with no middlemen involved, that'd be their convention work, which is STILL getting pirated by Fakku. And Fakku won't be paying them anything for their hard work. So it goes contrary to what they're saying about 'supporting the authors we love'. The most anyone could ever support a mangaka would be buying their convention stuff, not pirate it!
Yes, that's called royalties. You know who else gets royalties? Bands. And you know what happens to successful bands? They get rich.
The most they would earn would be through wani, unless they somehow sell tonnes of stuff outside, for a lot of money. Of which, I'm sure wani has something in their contract about, to keep them with wani.
I dare say, their convention work (which is usually art commissions and what not) hasn't hit the doujin shores here. Pretty sure it's just for doujins.
Also, you're wrong. To support the authors/ artists, you would buy their published products, so the publishing company keeps them under contract, has more funds to pay them for more work, etc etc. Of course pirating doesn't support them, I don't think anybody has argued that point at all. The simple matter is, buying their work (either way really, but through wani would be the best for their future, no doubt) would support them the most.
Ultramarinus wrote...
You don't need to go out and shout "we'll pirate your stuff but not Wani's because we have a deal with them". Wani's rivals would hear this news before anyone else here, those are businessmen. They'll be waiting to see how the sales go and if it works out. If it does, it'll be stupid of them to not get involved in the same way. Why? Because their stuff will be freely distributed by the same Fakku who sells Wani's stuff!
I don't believe anybody is shouting. An announcement here is shouting over the internet? And how do you suppose wani's rivals (those that aren't already with j-list or the likes) going to find out the news? Through word of mouth? through announcements on a hentai site?
They will probably keep an eye on how the sales go here (of which there isn't any real way to tell. Besides if it sells out, of which how would you know the original stock? Unless it's expressly mentioned, or expressly announced that the sales are booming, how would they know how sales are going?
Again, what makes you think they'd choose this site over something like j-list, or other sites like that, that also boom, and have more traffic?
>Freely distributed
That's not how it works. That's not how this particular transaction has worked, either. There was not much free happening there. Things getting paid for to be sold on, translators getting paid, etc etc.
Ultramarinus wrote...
Jacob didn't initiate this but he sure did turn this into a grand opportunity at the cost of both his pirate rivals and western hentai readers. It's like those American native tribes who made deals with the white man to get rifles and shoot rival tribes. (another analogy, again don't take it seriously) Good for him but don't expect everyone else to be happy, when there are ample reasons not to be. And this whole 'supporting mangakas' ideal is a hypocrisy as long as this site continues to pirate hentai.
I don't believe he turned it into a cost for anybody. The items in question got removed, he saw fit to make them available to us. Who let down/ is making the other hentai sites and western readers not able to read their favourite porn? Wani. Jacob has brought it back, and legally, so wani doesn't have a fit over it, and ask them to remove it.
So, explain to me how exactly it is anything like american native tribes getting guns from white people, and shooting rivals? to go by that analogy, the native american tribe that began with no guns, would have had their land taken from them first, followed by striking a deal with the white men, to be able to keep their land but pay tax. And the other tribes have had their land taken from them, but have no means to pay tax, so they have lost their land. (Obviously, it's not as big as land, but point still carries. It carries much better than yours does at least)
The whole point isn't to keep anybody but wani happy, and having wani's work out for us. If others are mad, they should take it up with wani for removing it, it's nothing to do with jacob.
Also, it is a hypocrisy yes, but guess what? nobody else has wani work. They wanted people to pay for their work, and it's now going to happen. So, they are supporting them, because otherwise, wani wouldn't exist outside of japan, or in english.