Chlor wrote...
SolidShark wrote...
Then I was wrong about you. From the way you spoke, you seemed very, very not-smart, homophobe, and angsty. Now with a better explenation, I see I was wrong. Sorry 'bout that.
He is still very not-smart, homophobic and angsty.
I also call immeasurable amounts of bullshit on this story and claim that
OP the whiny guy is an underage faggot.
"not smart" I'm actually highly educated my apologies for not having knowledge of
everything you fucking perfectionist fyi I didn't always want to go to the military I started thinking about it at age 14 but felt discouraged by the rumors I heard about corruption in the military but recently (about 2 years ago) reconsidered it taking into account of several benefits from it but fact is I do not know everything about the military itself so if I get some shit wrong then fine prove me wrong show proof, educate me i am open to learning as much information I can but for now most of my view is just an assumption(and my personal opinion) based on what facts I already know
"homophobic" I guess being a straight guy that has no interest in guys stating he is ok with socializing with geys but never under any circumstances want anything to do with any sexual acts is "homophobe" fucking hurray(sarcasm you retard) anyone who is willing to accept a gey as a
platonic friend has to fuck them too (apparently according to most people here)
sorry dude but from my understanding being gey friendly does not mean I have to let them have their way with my ass so fuck off.
"angsty" seriously? I get the feeling alone part(don't like it still but I get why you would think that) I mean most of my friends are dead but the "not feeling understood" part I don't get why the fuck would I wanna be "understood" by people I assume are gonna be dead in less then a few years sorry dude but when i meet people I don't care who or what someone is I automatically assume they will die in a short period of time and that anyone, anywhere, anytime, could die in less then a second
"underage" "yea yea yea hey everybody I hate this user imma call him underage to get him banned" I'm 19 jackass get the fuck over it, oh do you have proof? do you physically know me IRL? are you literally thinking you can call peoples age via online interactions? no you don't, chances are we will never meet irl and lastly no you cannot and never will be able to tell someones age via online communications alone and even if you could, you would know for a
fact that I am
19 years old so quit the bullshit
NYBORG wrote...
deathgod72 wrote...
look I've thought about joining full time but I got shit I need to handle at home is that so hard to understand?
and fyi just wondering (im under the assumption you are in the military just guessing btw) let me ask you have you ever in the fucking history of military heard of anyone being shot at and aiming there gun at another person without the intention of killing(in self defence maybe but STILL WITH INTENT TO KILL) not saying people should go shoot up random people for no reason or go looking for trouble but I was simply stating that if it came down to it I would kill (if absolutely necessary) and btw fucker I have killed before with the gangs I was raised in I can do it again no fucking problem but doesn't mean I'm some dumbshit loonatic that's gonna be rushing around looking for it is that clear enough for you?
Look buddy, I don't know why you've desperately sought to impress us with these tales of what'd you do if a queer came onto you or what you had to do growing up in the hard streets of west bumfuck but your overuse of the terms you learned from call of duty and horrible spelling are making your fantasies really hard to buy. Frankly, im one more mention of the words "loonatic", sidearm or combat knife away from suck-starting a shotgun.
About the lethal intent question. Allow me enlighten on you on weapon safety rule No. 2: Never point your weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot. Does that answer your question? Good.
deathgod72 wrote...
I think the people who changed are the ones who've never seen killing before I grew colder when I first started to see killings but personally I don't think joining the military will do anything to me that hasn't already been done before
here's my personal checklist
getting shot at : yes
actually getting shot: luckily no well kinda but not really it didn't actually penetrate but I did get hit while wearing a vest still hurt like hell though
watching a friend get killed: yes
almost getting killed myself: yes
getting severely wounded or injured: yes
killing another person: yes
being tortured/interrogated: yes
So you're trying to sell the story that you were raised in a gang where you've been shot, tortured and have killed another man (without being caught obviously). Then some time later in life you apparently discovered some greater calling and decided to join the Armed Forces. However, instead of getting out of those tough streets and perhaps getting the chance to do what you admitted to be joining the military to do(kill some people), you've decided to join the reserves because you have shit to handle at home. Taking into account where we're having this discussion and the believability of some gang raised kid ever finding some military purpose (the Bloods don't exactly emanate the idea of proud Americans) and having a chance out of such a hard life but then retaining the sense of duty to whatever the shit is that you need to take care of at home. I find myself wondering just who the fuck you think you're fooling?
I was associated yes but not officially "in" the gang (they tried to jump me in but I fought and refused) I had a lot of friends in em I tried to protect em and get them to leave the gangs but they didn't and now pretty much all of em are dead(or drug addicts) I want to join the police force to get rid of gangs completely but I also don't want to be financially disabled by not preparing for the future getting a college degree should be obvious as for the security work and joining the military well having references and recommendations should make it easier for me to not only get the job but to also get a higher pay in the long run,
"About the lethal intent question. Allow me enlighten on you on weapon safety rule No. 2: Never point your weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot. Does that answer your question? Good."
this is exactly my whole fucking point
if you are given a gun always assume you will need to use it be prepared
if you are being shot at do not aim to scare people or get them to stop peacefully cus at that point its too late for that
aim to kill nothing more nothing less, peaceful solutions are preferred however not always available I will not die for some spoiled pacifist's idiotic ideals.
"killing someone without getting caught" it was self defense dumbass I had no choice.
as for my spelling i grew up on fighting building myself up physically and mentally for combat trying to help others with the skills i developed so im terribly sorry to say grammar and spelling
was not a fucking priority
I'm improving over time yes(trust me I was a lot worse before)but I am not a fucking librarian is that clear? get the fuck over it grammar Nazi I'm trying my best
and btw I'm not trying to fool anyone I'm telling the truth I've done nothing but tell the truth if you don't wanna believe it then so what? it's not my problem dude if you think I came here to try and impress people your dead wrong I couldn't give a fuck what you think of me.
and just something to think about for you and anyone else who reads this you guys didn't pay attention to the detail
rape in the military is something that happens to both
men and women no one seems to be thinking or talking about this fact yet everyone jumps at me for saying if anyone wants to fuck me I will kill them trying to twist my words from "I'll kill anyone who trys to rape me" into " I hate all faggots with every bone in my body" fucking shut up and
think for a goddam second! stop thinking "geys fucking" think "rapist fucking you" once anyone takes into consideration of this fact I'm sure the rules fucking change don't they?!