NYBORG wrote...
deathgod72 wrote...
done a lot of personal research into a lot of tactics and warfare styles that FYI are extremely well known to the public and can easily be found on multiple websites it started with ww2 stuff originally cus I was a bit of a history buff in highschool ww1 and 2 and Vietnam were some of the few things that interested me
as for physically I did martial arts training since I was young it gone further via my studying(I was not training to learn "self defense" I was training since I was 6 TO KILL MY FATHER get the fucking picture?)I studied the human body for flaws and weaknesses I could take advantage of in combat while also attempting to cover my own taking into consideration of the psychological differences from person to person I did some research into human psychology and psychological warfare, as well as spending many long days just hiding in the back of the classroom(purposely) just watching people waiting listening observing behaviors taking note of both social physical and intellectual differences once you start to figure people out it become easy to anticipate there movements or actions before they even make them or at the very least give yourself an educated guess (proper use of influence can cause large differences both in and outside of combat something that as a military man you should know and understand highly)
I also gained even more knowledge of methods of killing via information given to me by gang friends and some of their older family members that actually were in the military also with some tips from many people in the medical field on facts of the human body
as for the guns I never fired anything larger then a handgun except a hunting rifle once but not in a combative situation however I have researched many of the different types of firearms, handling, maintenance and some advised aiming and firing methods
look im sorry that your highly prized and exclusive rights to training in lethal combat is so easy to figure out by anyone determined enough and with the right connections and education to use the information given but that's just facts
also another fact is human beings in general are very fragile life can be taken away in a mere second by even the most miniscule of things when properly coordinated or influanced
"queer hunting" lol and you guys have the nerve of calling me stupid I made it perfectly clear I have nothing against gay people(in fact I have a few gay friends) but I have one simple and easy to follow rule keep your dick away from me long as people can follow that easy to follow rule then everything is cool
"baby killing" dude what?...seriously what the fuck are you smoking when did I ever mention or say anything regarding the unprovoked slaughter of infants? keep your fucked up fetishes too yourself dipshit.
Oh cool. So you taught yourself all this awesome combat training and combat hunter tactics through the shit you read off the internet. Then you exercised it by being the kid no one wanted to talk to in the back of the class. I'm sure you knew exactly when someone was gonna drop a pencil or a girl was gonna flip her hair.
You didn't mention how you trained in martial arts since you were 6 but i assume it was by yourself in your room doing moves you saw in all those awesome Bruce Lee movies. Training to kill your father, huh? That's fucked up, even for a made up story. I can't imagine the shit he must've done to deserve it, but you'll think of something.
I want you to understand just how none of your story seems to fit together. So, you were raised in a broken home, associating with a gang and it's affiliates, experiencing all of the horrors that so few members of a real gang actually experience. Yet you had the time to be this martial arts champ who self-taught himself combat hunter skills and human behavioral patterns, and whatever you consider weapons knowledge. While also being an A student in history who argues with people on YouTube and Fakku while suffering from PTSD. You should know how harmful the added stress of an argument over the internet could be to your recovery. I'd also love to know how the person you killed was in self-defense, given the hood life you live. Being charged with anything above a misdemeanor would DQ you for military enlistment, even if killing someone was in self-defense I can't see them taking a risk on someone especially when we're downsizing.
You are stupid because your first response to me was riddled with ignorance about what you'd do to a gay person if he came onto you. Your backtracking in another discussion didn't help you in that regard. You must suffer from some sort of homophobia if you took the term "gay shit" and ran off with that post.
With the baby-killing thing, there goes Literal Louie again. No shitbrains, it wasn't Marine Corps humor. I literally meant that you must go off on toddler killing sprees, considering that psychotic mind you're sporting.
deathgod72 wrote...
I could hold my own against corporals and privates its cause I belive I am on a equal skill level to them in terms of training and combative experience
You must not understand the rank of Corporal in the infantry. Do not associate Corporals and Privates together. Even if your story wasn't complete bullshit, i'd still have Lance Corporals with more combat experience.
wasn't associating the two together just saying I'm on equal terms with atleast corporals but that I still think sergeants would knock me out due to higher combat experience.
dude my dad tried to kill my mother I've always been overprotective of people I cared about(and that's what got me in with the gangs along with my raw brute strength I was trying to protect friends trying to get them out of it) and then after I grew up I found out another thing that he did he tried to kill me before I was even born my mother was only 6 months pregnant with me and he went to her job and aimed a gun at her luckily her co workers protected her got her in a room in the back of the building and held my father off long enough for the cops to come (my dad was a drunk and my grandmother told me what happened all the things he did believe me he was no angel)
I wasn't "self trained" I trained at home or in some secluded area yes but I have had combat experience and training from a sensei other brawlers like me and a few of my friends in the gangs I also gained some tips from my uncle and the several people I know that are in or used to be in the military(also a bit of a question how the fuck do you get better at something if u don't keep practicing? obviously I do NOT have 24/7 access to a dojo or boxer gym so in the times I don't I use what I can find maybe its not as good as most military training gyms/barracks or whatever the fuck you wanna call it but I took what I could get and made the best of it)
and fyi I studied and researched things I get as much information on things as I can then I tested them out or I confirmed them with people
frankly this is getting irritating I tell you nothing but truth and yet you say its all lie you never believe anything do you? I guess normally id understand that since there are a lot of people who pretend or troll or try to "look cool" but I cant believe your actually going out of your way at every turn to try and insult me and disregard everything I say as I said before understandable considering how much false information people put out there but still doesn't mean everything and everyone is a lie and fake, I personally don't believe everything I hear online but I listen I give people the benefit of the doubt till they say something that just is truly not possible or extremely unlikely then and only then do I call a lie on them.
but as for you your not even thinking that any of this is possible you don't wanna believe me and that's fine but you cant exactly say that this is impossible and never happened in the history of the whole world my suggestion educate yourself before you start talking shit, cus there are a lot more people like me then you would like to admit and I'm sure we
both know that.
heres proof that incidents and effects of gangs are
(few things to note are increased aggression something I have ALOT of + higher chance of criminal activity such as mine with the gangs luckily I never joined due to the morals and beliefs
my sensei taught me while I was growing up while I never really had a real father he was the closest thing I had to one)
ok wiki maybe not the best source but its proof enough that this information is out there don't have to look that hard and its not some closely guarded super secret anyone with a keyboard and access to google can find this
and one thing you forget to mention(something that I
did mention in my previous post) is that I didn't just go online and see and learn things just online I read books I talked to people asked for advice tips gained as much information and knowledge I could from people actually in the military, my sensei and medical professionals there's only so much info you can get online and not all of it is true so you need to get multiple sources ask multiple people and figure out which bits of information can be confirmed true or is simply false
"I want you to understand just how none of your story seems to fit together"
wasn't a "martial arts champ" I could have gone a lot further but I didn't there was complications with the testing and the mailing so I never got past yellow belt but due to the fact that my sensei trained me harder then others and taught me things he shouldn't have till I was a higher belt rank I had the skill of most high ranked martial artists just without the rank belt to prove it
(in a sparring match I beat the crap outta a blackbelt my sensei basically assigned me as the blackbelts sparring partner cause I was the only one he couldn't beat)
the gang thing it started with the school gangs at first now school gang members are not the same as street gangs these guys mostly are just fist fighters brawlers basically the bully type but most have never used a gun the leaders of the school gangs are usually street gang members which in fact one of my closest friends in the school was a street gang member a blood I met a few others there I also met a few Sureños later on in a different school in the mission
(I also met one crip me an him were never friends but we had similar short term goals we became somewhat edgy associates in a few situations) at first it was simple coincidences and run ins with my friends in the schools most the time I was going downtown heading to work and id see them on the bus or train system like this incident here
(I carried a lot of blades back then mostly switchblades just something to note)
I saw a friend from my school on muni said hi he asked what I was doing I told em I was off to work and he told me he had to go handle something with someone downtown but he wasn't carrying anything and thought he needed something just incase something happened so I lent em one of my blades I don't know what happened but I didn't see em again till 2 weeks later he just walked up to me gave me my blade and walked off he never told me what happened and I never asked
(at first he wanted me to go with em but I had to be at work in less then 30 mins)
anyway that's how it started just run ins and coincidences but as time went on i got more involved i had a lot of friends in the street gangs and i just got more as time went on they liked how i fought they wanted some tips a bit of help here and there but i never tried to get into the drive bys or drug dealing(seen them happen or ended up getting shot at a few times) but they called me in for a few fights sometimes i just walked with a crew sometimes they just needed another big dude to help them out with some problems here and there i was good with "talking" to people that are alittle more hostile then normal (basically intimidation was one of my strong points)
I talked to my friends tried to convince them that gang life isn't the way to do things that they should leave and try something else some told me they thought about it but couldn't others just told me to stop talking about that and didn't speak to me for a while.
as for the researching stuff I did a lot of it in school I aced through history and health class due to my interest in them and during the times I had nothing left to do instead of taking a break or leaving class earlier I stayed and I found books related to the subjects I was researching all that in addition to searching online and asking the teachers questions plus I watched a lot of military channel growing up so I got a lot of information pretty early that just made it easier for me to study things in better detail later on.
and due to the fact that a lot of my family had a lot of life threatening health issues I met a lot of doctors that I could ask things and later on I ended up becoming friends with people who either were doctors or related to them and that allowed me to get info or advice that people normally didn't have immediate access to(could still find a lot of it online but just not as detailed as actually talking to a real doctor.
(I did a lot of "networking" maybe you might not have immediate information on something maybe your friends might not either but the friends of your friends might always tap into whatever resource you can find and take advantage of every opportunity to gain something be it a friend a possible business associate or reference or even some simple bits of information)
as for the the psychology research I never did any heavy studying into that just a basic overview of things with some extra bits and pieces of information i knew more about psycology then the normal person yes but i doubt i knew anything compared to any doc or even simple psycology students
"With the baby-killing thing, there goes Literal Louie again. No shitbrains, it wasn't Marine Corps humor. I literally meant that you must go off on toddler killing sprees, considering that psychotic mind you're sporting."
ok seriously.... fuck you, you know people have actually punched me or even hit me with a baseball bat (a few times) and I actually wasn't as mad as I thought I'd be but this thought that you have that for some reason simply because I had an aggressive childhood and teen years simply because I have a different opinion then you, you actually have the nerve to associate me with some crazed out lunatics, that actually pisses me off a bit, so seriously fuck you and also btw since you actually are in the military(I'm assuming from information you've given in this and previous posts) know that your no different from me you are a fucking killer only difference is I've actually accepted what I am so if I'm supposedly this babykilling machine then so are you.
if all your going to do is be a dick and constantly insult me don't respond i tolerated Chlor rudeness because he was giving me valid points and new information and so were you at first but this last post i don't see any info i could use your post is basically a big
fuck you (downsizing doesn't count at new information since everyone is very aware of what's happening) if your going to be a dick atleast stay logical.