animefreak_usa wrote...
Still not jelly since you pay alot for that and i pay so little for nearly the same. Problem they downgrade mine since i gave up the phone/tv plan for just straight interwebs. Will get back my plan on tues. 5mb/s. Your speedtest isn't your actual top speed. Find a 100 above torrent without leechs and record that speed. If you max over 5.9mb/s then i praise your e cock. Unless your monthly bill is over 59$ then your cock is just for show and mine grows.
I know ^^
The quality of my games, video streaming(1080 and under) and torrenting haven't changed much. But there is a as reason as to why I upgraded my internet plan but I aint gonna say why because its gonna sound like a load of bs :D
But you are right, the cost of these services is a lot and I was forced to pay a lot more for the proper equipment to run this set up. Modem, Router, Extender, Adapter's and a NAS :(