_Raven_ wrote...
Did anyone jump from the regular hot one into the ice cold one on a dare? Cause I saw that shit happen once and it was funny.
I did. It wasn't on a dare though - I just got WAY too hot. Hot springs live up to their name in nippon. The bath we went to had them right next to each other so I just hopped my red scorched skin into the other pool.
_Raven_ wrote...
And whys waar gotta be a hater?
Waar once was not a hater believe it or not. He was a supportive and kind spirit. One day, on his way to school, a bully named Neko-ore stopped him. "What's that you got there?" the bully asked.
"It's for show and tell."
"It's not another dildo is it?"
Last show and tell, Neko-ore switched Waar's pet Iguana with a green dildo. Waar never got the Iguana back, so he just kept the dildo.
"No, I left that in its tank... This is my pokemon card deck."
The bully knew at the time that pokemon was awesome because it was the mid 90s.
"Do you have a Team rocket holographic Charizard?"
"Y-y-yeah... it is a fire deck..."
"You dumb maple leaf! Don't you know that Psychic decks are the best!?" The bully had basic knowledge of pokemon - just like everyone else in the 90s. "I'll tell you what hockey stick, I'll give you all my pokemon cards for that one Charizard card. Every last card I own! I promise!"
"Golly gee, Neko! You mean it?" Waar was a trusting child, and was sure Neko would keep her... er... his promise.
"Sure Mike Myers! Just hand that puppy over!"
So Waar did, but the bully didn't give Waar any pokemon cards in return.
"H-heeey! You said that - "
"I said I'd give you all the pokemon cards I owned. I don't own any pokemon cards, HAHA! Pokemon is for
Waar held back the tears, and tossed the rest of his cards into the snow. From that day on, Waar vowed never to be a Weeaboo again, or to tolerate anyone who acts like a weeaboo.
Or that is what I would say, but I can only be honest in this thread. So I'm going to go with, "Just because"