cruz737 wrote...
1. Not all asians are "chinks", and there is a bit of an animosity between different asians. They will call each other gooks, chinks, etc. etc.
2. Well some do some don't. Just like anything else.
3. They're not allowed to joke about that..kinda. German govt is pretty strict about things relating to Nazis. So I guess you have a point, although I doubt all Germans care to be politically correct.
4. Blame "rap culture" all you want, I won't get you anywhere. Some Black people feel it's acceptable if only they use that word, some don't care, some don't want anyone to use that word. It's not hypocritical if one person dislikes that term, one person doesn't represent an entire community of people, vise versa.
5. Context does matter to some people.
If it means so much to you, go to some super liberal college, tv station and tell them off for not agreeing with you. I'm sure they'll be taken back by your superior logic and awesomeness.
Yeah, the poll is a great sign of how much though you put into this. Matters like these aren't so black and white.
1. I know that, but for non-Asians, China seems to be the default. I am well aware of the animosity between different Asian peoples.
2. Bitch, Slut, and anything else- yes. But not Cunt. In Western societies, at least, it seems to be consistently ranked as one of the single most offensive terms in our language.
3. Naturally. Anyways- for the three examples, it was simply to illustrate that nobody takes what are generally agreed to be highly offensive words and subvert them to be used casually as amiable terms.
I would not expect anyone to take me calling them a "Cum-guzzling two-cent manwhore of the Church" as the equivalent of "buddy ol' pal". (Well- maybe IB is an exception).
4. There is no way to find proof positive for either of us to back up our arguments- but I'm pretty damned sure that somebody who is completely detached from Rap culture (doesn't watch, listen, or even really know about it) wouldn't take kindly to being called "Nigger".
Those who do- there's my grief- it'll jump around. Call them Nigger and they punch you in the face- only to turn around and greet their friend with the very same word.
You cannot make a case for logic in there.
5. Never said context didn't matter, but simply that it is inherently unstable.
I argue with people all the time over this sort of stuff. If I could get a spot on TV- why the hell not. Maybe they will get taken aback by my superior logic and awesomeness. Maybe not.
I have assigned as much thought as the issue warrants in the environment of IB. I wanted short and sweet. If I wanted to actually try and change peoples opinions on the matter, I would have done some research and written a letter to the New Yorker or some other big publication.
Here I'm simply making an observation which I thought was fairly amusing.