erikj1508 wrote...
Hi guys
I'd like to inform you that this site is the reason for your countless failures in regards to more or less everything, personally I am now diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, prostate cancer, failing bladder, kidney cancer, glaucoma, inconsistent urination, nightmares, weakened ejaculation/orgasm, tinnitus (due to overreactive bloodvessels around my inner ear), concussion, madness, neanderthal-thoughts, involuntary thoughts of suicide, unable to understand written words (check the medical term up), inconsistent thoughts/speech, amnesia, mutism, grandeur feelings (ironically), absent mindedness, feelings of inferiority (important), loss of musclepower, stroke-like symptoms, asthma, unable to swallow (properly), digestion problems (not diereah), cavities (not directly related), loss of jaw protrusion (your face will end up as a extension of your neck), inhibited movement, hypoxia, infertility (due to damaged sperm vessels), bloody lumps on legs and arms (some are pale), stomach cancer, diabetes (not directly related), loss of weight, loss of height, hunched over neck and head (irreversible condition), neck pain (due to inproper sitting positions), extreme irreversible loss of motivation, extreme laziness, amotivational syndrome, extreme-irreversible brain-damaging-procrastionation-syndrome (AKA EIBDPS), pelvic-floor muscle collapse (with causes frequent and involuntary peeing) AKA PCMC, hearing loss (25% in each ear), auditory hallucinations, nightmares involving loss of limbs (usually my legs), fear of death, manic depression (MD), severe life-inhibiting anxiety (to the point that you are unable to go out), primitivism, grandeur thoughts of world domination (usually involving a well thought out massacre), apathy (complete loss of care for yourself and others), monotone voice, high pitched voice (due to lack of testoserone production, similar to body builders who overload on steroids), nazisympathy (many nazi leaders, including Hitler and Goring only had one testicle, hence their anger and evil nature), acquired analphabetic-like symtptoms (I used to be an avid reader and writer), lack of grammatical understaning (I have to look up words more often), apoliticalism, schizophrenic thoughts of a one world government (Illuminati, and jewry in general), Insomnia (severe), coffee addiction (which in turn decreases prefrontal cortex activity, ironically), loss of brain function primarily the prefrontal cortex (which deals with decision making, IOW loss of excecutive brainpower), and much more!
Now if you read through these debilitating symptoms, you'll obviously think of me as a troll, however that is not case - most of these symptoms are real, theyve gradually built up over long times of OM (over masturbation), todays teenagers learn that masturbation is healthy, but the Gods did not give us this instrument of love for exploitment - humans evolved into a superior specie not to exploit these precious organic instruments, in other words evolution has turned upside down, in other words we are devolving rapidly. And I am just another victim this on-going devolution. If humans for some reason does not wipe themselves out, due to war and disease, our compulsive masturbation will take us back 6m years in terms of brain (d)evolution!
Thanks for reading, and enjoy poisoning yourself with masturbation!