Sometimes twice a day, sometimes once and sometimes none at all.
Depends on the material I find, about 30 mins or so, though.
Mainly rub my clit.
Can you even measure a girl's cum?
I don't know my penis size, so sorry.
Hanasaku wrote...
I do it once every two months, because the process of preparing takes exactly that period. [...] The two mages, using ancient languages, will have conjured a Kraken in 8 days. The two mages can be used for the process only if 1) they failed to conjure the kraken, and 2) they have been starved for 30 weeks. If these conditions are met they must eat bananas non-stop for 3 days, forcing them to vomit. The vomit is then collected and put into another bottle.
This is the hard part. The kraken must insert it's largest tentacle inside my anus and let it season for 43 days. It's hard because sometimes the Kraken does not stay, and solid feces will push the tentacle out. For this I must ensure a full diet of water and whey to achieve constant diarrhea. Once it has been done, the tentacle must be extracted and removed from the Kraken. the Kraken will then be set free. Again, melt the tentacle and put it into another jar.
[...] On average it takes about 8.2 hours for me to achieve orgasm.
I was wondering what happened to my cousins, question answered, thanks.
GiantBeardedFace wrote...
Glad the album is released tomorrow, dude. Really liked Shadow Moses.