FinalBoss wrote...
Yeah, this is probably my first official rant on here. Just wanna get it off my chest and go watch The Walking Dead.
Had a small argument with my mom over dinner about God and Christianity in general. She tells me that her friend thinks that my religion (Pantheism) is a cult and I should go back to being a Christian. I tell her lol nope I don't believe in a supernatural God.
She gets mad and says God is supernatural, so I ask her a hypothetical question: "If God is supernatural, why does he allow things like a miscarriage to happen?"
She responds: "Those children were meant to go straight to heaven."
Me: "So a murderer gets to grow up and kill people, does that mean he was meant to go to hell?"
She responds: "No, if that person submits himself to Jesus, then he can go to heaven."
Me: "What about the people he killed? If they didn't submit themselves to Jesus, doesn't that mean they'll be the ones going to hell?"
Her: "Since they died unnaturally, they can meet God, and if they submit themselves to him, they can go to Heaven."
Me: "Now you're just making shit up. Where in the bible does it say that?"
Her: "........."
Me: "Hello?"
Her: "If you read the bible, then all your questions will be answered."
Me: "And yet you read the bible, and you can't answer my question. Anyways, what about the victim's family? What if they go into poverty because they no longer have any income coming in?"
Her: "God has a plan for them, they can get on welfare. They'll be taken care of."
Me: "What if one of the family members is so depressed that he/she commits suicide? Wouldn't that person go to hell if he/she wasn't saved?"
Her: "No, God would understand that the person committed suicide because he/she was stressed."
Me: "Well duh! People usually commit suicide because they're stressed."
Her: "Yeah, but that person didn't do it for a selfish reason."
Me: "Now you're just bending the rules"
Her: "No, I'm not."
Me: "Then tell me where in the bible it says that."
Her: "You should read it yourself. All the answers you're looking for are in there. God is perfect and supernatural."
Me: "Okay, let's say God is supernatural, if he really is perfect, then why does he kill people?"
Her: "God doesn't kill people!"
Me: "Yes he does, remember the story of Noah? He flooded the whole damn world!"
Her: "....God doesn't kill people."
Me: "Are you denying the story of Noah?"
Her: ".....God believed those people deserved to die."
Me: "Even babies?"
Her: "No"
Me: "Babies were around then, and he killed them all except for Noah and his family. Why doesn't God go to hell himself if he condemns other people for things he does himself?"
Her: "Only God is allowed to do those things because he is perfect and supernatural."
Me: ".....Ooookay, I'm done...."
Moral of the story? Don't argue with religious people, especially Christians. I'm religious too so....yeah.
She probably hasn't actually read the bible. Probably just heard it in Church or something. Which would be the priests interpretation.
1. All gods rules are absolute, not exceptions. So if you're born a bastard you're going to hell. If you have gay thoughts, you're going to hell. If you killed yourself, you're going to hell.
2. All religions are cults. No exceptions. Religions are just cults that grew too big that they became the majority and thus decided that their way was right.
3. Going on welfare is not the solution to the problem.
4. God kill people all the time. So don't know what she's on about.
she's probably just got her ideals stuck so far up her own ass that she can't see reality.