Renovartio wrote...
yummines wrote...
Did anyone see the debate Bill Nye had with that one guy?
Yea did you see all those posts that supposed Christians made that were so blatantly stupid it was hilarious?
Now I don't have a problem with Christianity in particular as I have a problem with religions in general. Except maybe Buddhism, I don't have a problem with that one since it barely even counts as a religion.
The problem with religions is that all of them believe that they are the one true one and the rest are wrong. Not all of them can be right, and most if not all base their religion on some "proof" they found thousands of years ago. I bet most Christians don't even know that the Christian cross is based on an old pagan symbol, and that Christmas isn't even the day Jesus was born.
The way to be religious is the way of being stubborn. Scientists base their beliefs on findings found that they can validate. Anything comes that blows their theory out of the water they'll accept it as long as there is solid reasoning. Religious people base their beliefs on anecdotal evidence made thousands of years ago by fallible humans. I find it hard to believe people will believe in the Bible made thousands of years ago by people who believed the Sun rotated around the earth, yet don't believe Evolution which is supported by people who make discoveries that allow them to live comfortably. Nothing can change their belief because they have a catch-22 that makes it so that they can never be absolutely for sure wrong.
tl;dr I don't like talking about religion with people usually.
Buddhism is a religion too buddy. And it's as annoying as all the others. My mom converted due to some bullshit reasons and... lets just just say that Buddhist are just as pig-headed and narrow minded as the rest. Well at least the ones I've met.
They'd chant for hours and they'd say stupid shit like "OMG we sounded so good! Lets chant again!" With that one statement they show how little they understand the meaning of what they're suppose to be doing.
Also the ones here do it like they're singing (Which they're not suppose to). They are actually suppose to have a flat tone when they chant... fucking ignorant...
well it depends on which branch of buddhism
partly why i don't like religion either is how lots of religions have different sects that have variable beliefs.
it's like seriously you can't even agree among yourselves what to base your faith in?