Prince Hamlet wrote...
Kemi-tan wrote...
Me and my Hubby are playing Uncharted 3 Online.
A dude follows me and tries to kill me!! oAo
Hubby comes to the rescue and snaps the dude's neck.
Me and Hubby high-five.
We get a medal for it! =w=
[color=#006FFF]--CHAPTER 2--
Me and my Wifey are playing Resident Evil 5 Online.
Chainsaw dude comes at us at full speed!! oAo
Me and Wifey eventually take him down.
Wifey unloads 10 more rounds of her shotgun at his corpse. =w=
I lol'd.
[color=#006FFF]--CHAPTER 3--
Me and my Wifey are playing Resident Evil 5 Online.
Motorcycle dudes surround us in cutscene!! oAo
I press O and save Wifey from being run over.
Then two more dudes come charging at us!! oAo
I panic and don't do the button input correctly.
Wifey saves herself; I get run over and die. =w=;;
Wifey texts me hiding her laughter:
"...that was pretty funny how they ran over you..."
Me and Wifey lol.
[size=10](She is such a meanie! ;3;)[/h]