[color=#006FFF]Since Akemi said, and I quote, "That's going into the fakku game report hahah", I am obligated to do Chapter 5 in this one. >3>
Prince Hamlet wrote...
Prince Hamlet wrote...
Kemi-tan wrote...
Me and my Hubby are playing Uncharted 3 Online.
A dude follows me and tries to kill me!! oAo
Hubby comes to the rescue and snaps the dude's neck.
Me and Hubby high-five.
We get a medal for it! =w=
[color=#006FFF]--CHAPTER 2--
Me and my Wifey are playing Resident Evil 5 Online.
Chainsaw dude comes at us at full speed!! oAo
Me and Wifey eventually take him down.
Wifey unloads 10 more rounds of her shotgun at his corpse. =w=
I lol'd.
[color=#006FFF]--CHAPTER 3--
Me and my Wifey are playing Resident Evil 5 Online.
Motorcycle dudes surround us in cutscene!! oAo
I press O and save Wifey from being run over.
Then two more dudes come charging at us!! oAo
I panic and don't do the button input correctly.
Wifey saves herself; I get run over and die. =w=;;
Wifey texts me hiding her laughter:
"...that was pretty funny how they ran over you..."
Me and Wifey lol.
[size=10](She is such a meanie! ;3;)[/h]
[color=#006FFF]--CHAPTER 4--
Me and my Wifey are playing Resident Evil 5 Online.
Crazy swamp dudes attack!! oAo
Me and Wifey kill them all and move onward.
Wifey spots some treasure in the middle of a bunch of small holes in the ground.
She slowly goes over and picks it up...
Wifey then tries to walk forward past the holes
But she trigger the trap and the spears shoot out from the holes!! oAo
Wifey texts me saying:
"The spikes scared me ;3;" saying she wanted it 'cause "it was shiny".
I went around the other side of the tree, avoiding any harm. Lol.
Me and my Wifey are playing Resident Evil 5 Online.
More crazy swamp dudes surround us!! oAo
Me and Wifey kill them all and need to open the gate.
I get on the raft, and Wifey winds a pulley to pull me over to the button to open the gate.
I stand there noticing how slow it's moving across.
"L1 + R1" pops up on the screen!! oAo
I don't press it in time and get eaten by a crocodile.
Wifey texts me saying: