cruz737 wrote...
Why did you ignore the links? Especially the first one that refutes all of your points?
You are not arguing in good faith, and you clearly don't understand statistics.
I didn't ignore them, I took the time to read them and most of which deal with points I haven't even made.
"The majority of Americans favor strict new additional federal gun controls."
I never made that point.
"The only purpose of a handgun is to kill people."
Again, not my point, guns were created to replace the bow, a weapon. Other uses exist, but that was never my point.
"Since a gun in a home is many times more likely to kill a family member than to stop a criminal, armed citizens are not a deterrent to crime."
Never said that.
"Honest citizens have nothing to fear from gun registration and licensing which will curb crime by disarming criminals."
Good point, criminals aren't affected by gun laws, so let's do away with background checks altogether... That doesn't even make sense, if you just didn't have any guns there would be nothing to fight over.
"Stiff `gun control' laws work as shown by the low crime rates in England and Japan, while U. S crime rates continue to soar."
Here he says their point doesn't take into account many things like cultural, and economic differences between the United States and other nations. Solid point if I wasn't Canadian and live in a culture which is similar to your own with a weaker economy than yours, where are the gun deaths here?
"Most murders are argument-related `crimes of passion' against a relative, neighbor, friend or acquaintance. "
Don't think I made that point either.
"Semi-automatic firearms have no legitimate sporting purpose, are the preferred weapon of choice of criminals, and should be banned."
Was never my point but I do think trying to argue that you need an ak-47 to hunt elk is a bit ridiculous.
"The righ t guaranteed under the Second Amendment is limited specifically to the arming of a `well-regulated Militia' that can be compared today to the National Guard."
Seems they made a typo. My question was why do you need that anymore? Not a debate about the wording made 250 years ago.
"A person in a public place with a gun is looking for trouble."
Again, this was never my point? Do you even know what the word refute means?
"Gun control reduces crime."
Gun deaths, my point was that you would have fewer gun deaths without guns.
P.S. This whole article you use to "refute" my points was written and researched by the NRA... you can do better than that, they aren't a legitimate source just as you wouldn't take anything from MSNBC or the Democratic Party.
cruz737 wrote...
Is throwing a lot of numbers around without context your argument? Because that's what you're doing. And yeah, good thing it was only one because as I proved early, gun control doesn't do shit when it truly matters. Less than 1% (.6%) deaths in America are murders. Out of all murders less than 1%(.2%) of those are related to mass shootings. Compare that 2.5 Mill annually crimes deterred. HURR less than .1% of murders are from mass shootings so let's tightly regulate guns despite it not working and making things worse for inner city people. Let's also ignore the mental health issue in America because it's easier to blame guns!
Do you not believe what I'm saying as it does not suit your point? I don't mind showing you where I got my info.
Less than 1% is still more than everywhere else in the world. It's fine to work on the mental health issue but lets start by not allowing those people to LEGALLY PURCHASE FIREARMS...
cruz737 wrote...
Protect against what you ask? Did you not read the link. Over 2.5 Million crimes are deterred annually, as you opposed to you 400,000 over a large period of time. Not to mention you didn't break down those 400,000 million in a meaningful way (a collection of years while not making a distinction between suicide used with guns or deaths where it was legit self defense). Numbers are just numbers with out context.
How many of those crimes would happens if the criminals didn't have guns themselves, you're right in that you need them now because you've given EVERYONE a gun, but if you simply removed them you'd have a lot less deaths in your country.(there can be no debate about this) No guns = less gun deaths, that simple. I did differentiate between homicides and accidental and otherwise.
Waar wrote...
Between 2000 and 2014 there's been close to 165,700 gun homicides and 420,000 gun deaths(underestimate), compared to the 3,300 deaths due to terrorism during that time.
cruz737 wrote...
You're full of shit for suggesting I'm blaming minorities and not the draconian gun laws that create more victims than they save. I never blamed a single minority, only pointing out the fact that the places with minorities always have the most gun laws and gun murders.
[edit] Except Texas. El Paso Texas has a lot less crimes per 100,000 people. YOU CAN PROBABLY GUESS WHY.
We already restrict guns places with high gun violence, what reality are you arguing against exactly?
Again, read the first source. You can't argue against things that simply aren't true. Throwing around big scaway numbers without proper context isn't going to help your case either.
Refute everything said in here:
or concede.
You pointed out how minorities have the most gun murders... how is that not you linking them to gun violence? You may not believe them to be the problems but that doesn't change what your words implied. I'm not trying to blame guns, they're inanimate objects, people are obviously the problem but as you cannot find a solution to solve the problem why don't we just get rid of all the guns(except those in the hands of law enforcement and military) and let the police deal with crimes.
Now my posts have context and Ive examined yours more closely, if you want to continue I'm all for it, but find a different source other than the NRA.
Sneakyone wrote...
Sneakyone wrote...
I do like firearms, I wasn't ever lying to myself, and I'm not a criminal nor intend to become one so I'm going to keep owning and buying them.
Waar wrote...
Hopefully you remain that way, it doesn't take much for someone's mind to break.
I don't mind people who have guns, I have friends that own a few(hunting rifles) just as long as they stay the hell away from me with their guns.
I respect that, its just a hobby for me, not a way of life.
Can you believe in my Country I'm what you would consider a conservative?(your Republicans)