Waar wrote...
Yep, I made the original statement, guns replaced the crossbow as a weapon in war... So your link doesn't refute my point, it's talking about something different, something I wasn't arguing.
Except it's not just a weapon of war. Saying it's something for just killing is far from the truth.
Waar wrote...
We're up there per capita, you're around 88 guns per 100 resident, and we're around 30, which places us 12th in the world. Not sure why a war you fought 250 years ago means you need guns today but you're right, you don't NEED guns... you simply want them.
We still far outnumber you and if a countries formation doesn't have a large cultural significance, especially if having the independence to do many things among them own guns, isn't important in your mind, well...
Waar wrote...
There would be less crime and gun deaths if you didn't have guns.
Except that's not true. Less .1% of all deaths, while a staggering 2.5 million crimes deterred? Okay buddy.
The biggest irony is that everyone points at Australia's gun ban in the mid 90's while ignoring the drop in gun crimes in the US despite there being an increase in gun ownership in the US.
Source for claim: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RL32842.pdf
Over 20 years homicides have been cut in half while owner ship has increased greatly.
Waar wrote...
You'll stop more people from committing most violent crimes altogether if you simply don't have firearms anywhere except the police, it's not all mental instability that's killing people with guns.
Linked already proved that wrong, and as I said above, it prevents more crime than deaths. (considering you again didn't consider suicides or justifiable use of self defense...I'd say no statistics are on your side)
Waar wrote...
I'm not really arguing to convince you so I don't care if the source you gave me has any faulty statistics, I only came back when you mentioned how your link "refuted" my post when that wasn't what I took from the link.
If you're going to keep insisting that the US would be safer like you did above, then the article refutes that sentiment. Or that they're only killing machines.
Waar wrote...
You asked for a source, and I gave you mine, I answered your "source" and pointed out how almost none of it was related to my points. If you want to argue about my points we can, but that wasn't what you showed me.
Already proved all your points wrong. You even had to resort to calling me a racist. I saw your sources, and all they've convinced me as that instead of fear mongering over terrorist and Muslim communities, we should be fear mongering over gun rights. I guess that's progressive?
Also keep bitching about that one source. Prove the department of Justice wrong, they'll probably be happy to fix their information.
Waar wrote...
I'm a conservative but I just don't see the need; some criminal robs me at gunpoint he can fucking have my money, ill write up a police report and that will be the end of it. If someone wants to kill me for no reason while robbing me it'll make his life more difficult and ill be dead, so it's hard to care.
You have every right to believe that dealing with your situation in that way is appropriate but not everyone has that luxury.
Unfortunately some people's reality is this:(inb4 BUT THIS NEVER HAPPENS)
And if they don't want to personally carry anything to defend themselves, that's fine. But I don't want to prohibit them from doing so because of fear mongering.