mibuchiha wrote...
It is mostly unrelated to the freedom thing. I quoted it only because the very concept of "worth it", to me at least, would only be thought of by happy people. Therefore it is biased since only a group of people, having nothing to do with intelligence/reason in general, is able to believe in it.
The quote is pretty simple actually. Take happy people. There are so many factors of happiness, all of which must be fulfilled at the same time for the person to be happy. As such, all happy people are alike, since they're the people with 'all the factors fulfilled'. While unhappy ones may fail in a certain factor, and another unhappy person fails in another. The failures may be very different, but all leads to unhappiness while only one case leads to happiness; no failures.
That is to say... happiness is really fragile.
Hoo... I can swallow this one, since someone else had said something similiar long ago. Thank you, Prof. Mibu! ^_^