Dear eyes,
You've been serving me for so long. You're my main mode of acquiring information. It was in a great deal thanks to you that I am the person I am now.
You're a lot like me. Just like how I tend to get overwhelmed by people with bright personalities, you're very sensitive to light. Due to this problem driving in night has always been a bitter experience to me, every single time without exception.
But you know, despite my twisted and warped personality, I'm a fairly straightforward guy. When I itch, I scratch. Considering this side of me, it is very unhelpful that you get random itches quite frequently. It always leads to me rubbing on you and that results in pain for us. In this case at least, the pain has no benefit whatsoever.
I can't say I know what causes these random itches and I do know that what you can do about them is no more than what I can, but still, it would be very nice if the itches somehow stop.
Yours sincerely,
the organ that collects the electrical signal triggered in you as light strikes you