Some rant. Feel free to laugh at me if you think it silly. Even my intellectual side thinks it is, but fuck him. He loves EXEC_VIENA/. just as much (if not more) as my other sides do.
I put my music library at random. While I know it is just random chance (subject to whatever algorithm the RNG uses and the initial seed) I often attach some meaning to the order of songs. And it is one of the main sources of my small day-to-day surprises.
A few days back, I did something that I deemed not very proper of me to do. I suffered some agony and depression over the fact for a few days as a result. It took much thinking and meditation to come to terms about it and unify my will, and even now I still think I was playing a dangerous game with that. Unlike the past days however, I finally found the answer (as usual with me, the answer is not final) that it was one worth playing, however.
Anyway, while I was depressed and struggling to act as if everything was cool, I noticed something strange. I spent a lot more time with music due to my worse mood, but somehow Viena never came up. The whole time. Noticeably so, even taking probabilities into account, majorly because I was seeking it. I knew it was just bad luck but still, I was disappointed. But at the same time, I could not bring myself to just select it directly, because it felt like cheating, in some sense. "No, not as I currently am..." was what I thought every time I felt the temptation to do it.
Today, while I was trying to fish for votes for Ar Tonelico 2 (PM me if you intend to know more and/or help out), and being in a better mood overall, I was met with a very pleasant surprise. Finally, it found me. I closed my eyes and dropped everything I was doing right then, for I missed it so much. All the better, considering that it found me after I managed to find an answer to the baseness that I did... I focused only on immersing myself into it. It was wonderful to be reminded again why it was the song I love the most. Irrespective of whatever I am most infatuated with at the moment, deep down I know Viena exists in me. To add to the exultation, EXEC_VISIONDANCE_PLUGINs/. came not long afterward.
Now, of course, I am aware that it is silly to be so pleasantly surprised by simple probabilities... but is it not human to attach special meaning to things? Feel free to laugh, as I am too. But at the same time, I am happy.
I end this post with two lines from the song itself, the meaning slightly modified to match the omission I made, but I believe this does not alter the general meaning of the song.
Was yea erra chs ieeya en sol anw yeal,
I will be eternally happy to turn into hope and its shining rays,
For I will always love you.