mibuchiha wrote...
Well, you deeming it special is not sufficient to make himself celebrated.
Yes, but no, not all dystopian culture and/or science fiction gets my ok. A lot of them I found to be shitty, though I have some I am interested to try. Brave New World is my taste. Simple.
Genesis from Bernard Beckett is very good as well, it's almost BNW in compact form to me. Animal Farm, while enjoyable was mediocre and 1984, the one I am currently reading, seems good.
They may or may not be of the same genre, I am simply telling of the things I recently read and/or found memorable.
No, no. He is celebrated nonetheless for other reasons. That said, forget all about it. I was pulling your leg.
Thank you so much. I would go through them if I have the time.
I will post my opinions about Norwegian Wood for your contest entry if you don't mind.