Jonoe wrote...
@ Spalose, you sound you have potential, that's if you still like her. Is she Loli-like? lol
then she was loli like, now i guess but i am not into her any more, she was very indecisive and didn't want to have a relationship, she was just fine with being with me...??? crap I am in friendsville population me! nano desu! there some other messes up drama like things i learned later like how *since she originally from another country she spent her whole life there before she came to the states* neglected to mention that she had a bf/male companion back there who she prob to now still chats with, did she ever tell me, NO nano desu, I learned this later after we stopped seeing eachother from one of her friends(y didn't they tell me this before!...nano desu) sry for raging about my drama
oh and Jonoe if u were here yesterday, u would have noticed i already have a particular someone am interested in..nano desu