So I wanted to make a topic about the current "situation" of the staff on Fakku since I don't know how many of you actually have noticed.
So to begin with, the Staff of Fakku has become smaller than it used to be,
Nikon and
Raze all left in some way as far as I know. I know Raze quit, we also had Waar quit because of reasons already discussed, I heard Nikon stopped being an admin but I'm not all that up to date with the current situation on that, TDSA has been inactive for 6 months and I heard Matt banned himself. Kenjugs barely visits and Jacob has other things to do than be on Fakku all the time.
That leaves us with Sindalf, Tegumi, Kaimax, Flaser, Gambler and Tsujoi, for a site with the size that Fakku has I don't really know if that is enough staff members. Keep in mind these are the people that I
see do work the most, Jacob might as well be fixing everything when I'm not watching but that's not the important part.
So what do you guys think about all this? There are still some things I don't know since I'm not part of the staff and the only real connection I have to it is Sindalf and (formerly) Waar, but at the same time I think this is pretty bad, having many of the so called important people leave Fakku just like that. I would like to know what some people in the staff think about this too, atleast the staff members that are still active.
I know a friend of mine would like more mods but in my opinion that's all up to the staff, I just want to raise awareness of how things seem to be right now.