opanihuya wrote...
Waar wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
Waar wrote...
Not sure what faith has to do with him not being able to do the job properly at times.
Properly? Well guess what, he's still moderating, even though he's busy, unlike some people I heard. And even though the previous statement has nothing to do with Gambler not doing his job at times, I still have faith in his approach.
Is he still moderating? How much time do you think he's devoted to moderating compared to some of the others? You'd be shocked by the answer. It's fine though, because he's "nice" it doesn't matter so much that he's busy all the time. You're simply another user who thinks he knows what's going on behind the scenes.
Your faith in his approach doesn't really matter, your faith wont change his ability.
Nah, I know I know nothing. But isn't it dangerous Waar to discuss these things with a believer like me?
Discussing the behind the scenes is something I think the staff should do more often. Telling people a staff member is away, or discussing the inner workings of Fakku can only lead to a better understanding of how demanding the "job" can be sometimes.
Often my posts come off as some sort of attack against Gambler, or his moderation style. I do want to clear up that misunderstanding; I respect him as a mod, he is important and performs his role admirably. I also understand that for every mod that is super over the top nice there needs to be a mod like me who's willing to tell someone to fuck off(perhaps less blunt than I was), otherwise you end up with a forum full of kids like ronnie or that stripper chick. The only real issue I see is that everyone globally believes Gambler walks on water and can do no wrong when it's clearly not the case, he's not suited to moderate some things on Fakku.
As for me being staff again: I really appreciate your feelings guys, it does make me feel pretty great knowing some of you thought I did a decent job. However I'm much happier not having that responsibility, even now I'm frustrated by how slowly things move here sometimes and I guess caring too much is something I can lessen by not being involved. I do think about it from time to time, but it's mostly when I have the urge to ban someone.