Drifter995 wrote...
Stop sucking up to the chairman
What you do with the power in most ways helps the community. Thus the banning of solid shark, broskfgt and androgeny. The banning of those three would make the community a much better place
And here I thought I established myself as the only person in this forum who has the coglioni to stand up against any person of authority. I am concerned for how your small-mindedness cannot appear to comprehend that I have always cared about Fakku and its community, and instead must create the self-delusion, that I of all people, would ever suck up to Waar.
fgd49 wrote...
Mod authority?
Maybe you should build a time machine and go to when you belong.
GiantBeardedFace wrote...
@ NeoStriker
This quote shows that he’s looking farther ahead than most of the other candidates, although I feel as though he’s ass-kissing and making false promises. A moderator should never lie to the people, yet I’m questioning whether you will or not.
This is the answer one would expect every fucking candidate, but at least the others are more honest than this smooth-talking politician.
You’re asking the users to sacrifice themselves. You’re not a God! Get over yourself!
Simple, but that doesn’t mean people will warm up to you just because you are appointed moderator.
Fighting? Why do we need to fight? If we want to be a global community, we need to respect every person’s opinion and individuality. We shouldn’t be fighting and forcing people to change their ways, but slowly phase out wrong-doings and prejudice.
That whole post is accurate and concise; I couldn’t have said it better. Although it did come from someone who ass-kisses to be a moderator.
1. I am concerned at how you think me kissing the ass of Waar is more believable than me genuinely caring for Fakku and its users.
2. My answer is what one expects, and that is what makes it so hard to believe? Your baseless accusations will get you nowhere, Beard.
3. I have not asked anyone to sacrifice themselves. If I had it my way, no one and nothing would be sacrificed, but unfortunately, we live in a world of scarcity and entropy. Something is always lost in any given exchange, but so long as we prepare ourselves for this, efficiency and prosperity can be achieved.
4. You are naive to think our rights aren't always under attack by the barbarity and tyranny of those that are misguided, selfish, cruel, and evil, and it is only through the constant vigilance of mankind are we able to preserve our rights. But regardless, you have no idea what I'm talking about. I will make my previous statement clearer: Freedom of speech is more important than individual and arbitrary feelings and emotions.
5. Once again, I am concerned as to how you find it more believable that I would kiss the ass of Waar rather than be genuinely concerned for the welfare of this great site that has inspired a countless number of people to enjoy porn at a new and exciting level.