GiantBeardedFace wrote...
@Pumpjack McGee
PumpJack McGee wrote...
First Question: What is the meaning of IB to you?
It is a forum for brainfarts and quick hits. A communal blog where people can post stuff and shoot the shit without all the P.C./Sensitivity/Censoring bullshit (Save we don't break the rules of the site itself, natch).
Question 2: What do you believe your role as a moderator should be?
Boot people who step out of line and keep things chill.
Question 3: This comes from animefreak and it's a 2 part question. How should new users be treated in IB and how could you as a moderator accomplish a smooth transition?
New users should take the Jane Goodall approach to I.B. and learn through observation. We've all got lives (most of us, anyways) and don't have the time to tutor greenhorns. They've got to find their own way.
First rule of course is tough skin; when we tell you to get the fuck out, don't cry like a bitch or make pathetic attempts to troll- just get the fuck out and lurk more.
Or just actually get the fuck out. If repeated attempts of mingling here don't work out, it simply means we are not of your kind. Just like any social circle. You'll know if you don't fit in, so try somewhere else. Fakku has tonnes of other sections. Your people are out there- it is up to you to find them.
Trying to keep the status quo, eh? That’s a dull and safe approach, but it won’t score you any points with the administrators, other moderators, and users. They’ll just see that you're there, and that’s that. You’re easily forgettable as a candidate, in my opinion.
Maintaining a baseline of standards is difficult enough in itself, as is evident of the deteriorating status of our once premium shit. Progress for progress' sake is not necessarily a good thing. While not opposed to new blood, it is important that they understand the way things work around here- and the best way to learn is by experience; throw 'em to the lions- if they live, they stay. If we're too rough for 'em, they belong elsewhere.
And who cares for scoring brownie points? A leaders' job is not to suck as many cocks as possible in order to curry favour. They lead by example, and do what needs to be done.
And if I am forgettable- all the better. I prefer working in the background. I don't need people breathing down my neck. Let my work speak for itself. I don't need that PR pizzazz and showboating. Save my efforts for important shit.
GiantBeardedFace wrote...
To answer Waar's questions about my stance:
First Question: What is the meaning of IB to you?
- IB stands for Incoherent Babbling, right? So, it’d be a place where the English language is “expressed in an incomprehensible or confusing way” by users who want to “utter a meaningless confusion of words or sounds.” However, it will never reach that because if it did, it’d be something like this in every single post:
Back to the question, IB stands for Indecisive Bitching because every user bitches about the little things in life.
Juvenile tripe. People who take the name of 'Incoherent Babbling' at surface value lack the insight to truly understand the dynamics of this section. Bonds are forged here through mutual understandings, and many valuable lessons are learned here. The collective knowledge of Fags and Faggotry here is practically encyclopedic.
GiantBeardedFace wrote...
Question 2: What do you believe your role as a moderator should be?
- My role should be to fix problems, resolve situations, help the users, and set an example by using proper Internet etiquette. I will also help the other moderators and the administrators if they need me in order to ensure the best for the Fakku community. If this means I have to give users warnings and/or bans, I will do so.
Agreed, although I thought the responsibilities of Moderator kinda went without saying. As I have said for my own reply- maintain law and order. All that you have mentioned are the sort of work that contribute to that- and is, largely, background work.
GiantBeardedFace wrote...
Question 3: This comes from animefreak and it's a 2 part question. How should new users be treated in IB and how could you as a moderator accomplish a smooth transition?
- The community should welcome them, but try to help them ease into the flow of things rather than just throwing insults and jabs at them. It’d be nice to have newbie threads that the newbies can post on to help them ease into the IB crowd.
As for my smooth transition into the role, I’d simply just do what I normally do but also keep note on the things that are happening.
There are no newbie threads in IB. The community of this section is established. People have to know what's what before they come here. Meet & Greet, CTFG, Random, hell- the entire rest of the site is a much friendlier place for new people. IB is mean, and I see no need to change that. Mean is universal- people can't be constantly running away from confrontation. Do you think the United States of America would even exist if your people haven't fought for it? Even us Canadians had to butt heads with you- if we simply bowed our heads like bitches in 1812, there wouldn't be a Canada.
People can't be raised to expect the world to babysit them. IB is as good a place as any to learn that.
Question 5: How important do you believe the authority of a mod should be?
Why bother to create positions of authority if they had no power? People are assigned as moderators because people trust them to do their jobs. This applies to any task or occupation; you get asked to do it because people trust you to do it.
The creator of this site made them mods. He trusted them to carry out his law because he knows he can't possibly do it alone. They tell you your actions are unacceptable, you'd best be paying attention.
Question 6: What rules(if any) must be enforced in IB?
-Banned material shouldn't be posted here. Some of it is of Jacob's choosing, and others are from the site's sponsors. If Jake loses that backing, the site gets iced.
-Harassing others on personal issues. Anonymous haranguing anonymous over anonymous problems is one thing- but making surgical strikes upon deeply personal matters (if someone is foolish enough to tell them) can lead to rather drastic results. This may run counter to my 'Tough Skin' policy, but I'm not a fan of the idea of some emo fagbitch committing suicide because people called him names. Although I guess there is some grim, Darwinian beauty to it.
So let's say not forbidden, but discouraged and generally frowned upon.
-Spam. Annoying as fuck. If it's a bot, no biggie. Just block it. But if it's a sentient human being who cannot think of better ways to use their God-given brain, they can just die and stop breathing our air and using up our space.
-No stalking. This isn't a dating site, nor a rape enabler.