PumpJack McGee wrote...
When I suggested it ages ago- people were throwing a shitfit. And I wasn't even running for host or anything.
I am not "people", I am the moderator who has control over the game as it's creator. What people want is rarely in the best interest of the game, having re-sets was overwhelmingly unpopular at first but now it's become a norm for most new games and I believe it's because people see them as a requirement to bring out some joy in the game, had I just kept the waifu list from the first game it would have died long ago. So while I do hear people out, post that can often be summed up as "I don't like that idea" without offering reasoning have no effect on what actually gets implemented. If you post your ideas if/when you apply for host again, some may not be popular among the users but it doesn't mean I wont pick you.
In a way what I'm telling you to do is appeal to my sense of what will make this game survive the next generation of Fakku, it is in essence a part of my legacy here.
Kuro vi Lolitannia wrote...
The popularity list should be based on what? Anime? Manga? From where? MyAnimeList?
I think there will be many problems to solve.
Really? Popular series from the last waifu game? Popular series from the previous round? Any source, anime, manga, video games. It can change from round to round, and it's really not hard to pinpoint which series are the more popular ones. Your point is fairly dumb.
There are literally no problems with my suggestion as it stands but it simply need something to make it more interesting/fun/dangerous.
You could make it a lotto, take all the series from the previous game, assign them all a number, and use a random number generator to pick a bunch that will be banned for a particular round. Or have round specific genres or media for weeks like, round one: no claims from "romance" series, or round two: no video game character claims. The idea has to be simple enough so that you don't have to explain it a million times but complex enough to add a degree of difficulty to the game.
Keep coming up with ideas but remember if you're interested in running the game to keep you best ideas for the application. Don't want someone taking the good ones and beating you out because he did it slightly better than you did.