1: Not familiar with magical madoka, sorry.
2: Can you fuck a fictional girl ? As soon as your anwer will be yes, I'll jump their imaginary bones, otherwise I prefer real.
1: Imagine one perfect slice of pizza. What would be the topping ?
2: Are you self-cautious about your weight ?
Incest in real life is fucked up, not only due to inbreeding, but also due to biological reasons. You are skrewed up with you are attracted to your siblings which you have lived together with for a long time...
1 - yeah, sure why not
2 - Umm, I would go suicide bomber and kill somebody I dont like or agree with - suicide attack on the West Baptist Church would be a nice way to go...
1 - If you ever get arrested, what will it be for?
2 - If you could kill one person in this world without any consequences to you, who would you kill?
[font=segoe print bold]A:
1: I doubt I would be skilled enough to get the job done.
2: It's a pretty difficoult question. I'd say lusting after valuables to an extent of being obsessed with earning or simply stealing it. Yup, that's what I think.
1: How often do you drink milk ?
2: If you could make countless clones of yourself, what would you use them for ?
Actually pretty often, but not as much as I used to cuz I had to cut back. lol
Exploration, data collection, and to get an upper hand so that I could start projects that benefit the world. But then again, it depends.. are they clones with minds, needs and desires of their own, or are they more like probes I send out that look and act like me?
As a reference to my first question:
1.) What do you think would have appeared if you were the one who had to choose?
2.) Most meaningful thing someone could do for you on your birthday would be?