Iamnotchrishansen wrote...
It's a central focus, Bag. The characters practically met because of the music.
It's a periphery, an extension, an excuse to gather these characters together and have them do cute things, hell even in the anime they spend more time eating fucking cake than anything else.
Iamnotchrishansen wrote...
You aren't the first person who told me this. Funny, I watched it early in my anime watching days because it had the music tag.
I was saying the majority of people don't go into K-On expecting an anime about music. On the contrary, it wouldn't matter whether K-On even had music in it, I guarantee it would be as popular as it is now without it. Autism sells.
Iamnotchrishansen wrote...
Understandable. I can rave and rant all I want but that's not gonna stop the majority that drool over this thing.
BTW, don't get me wrong, I don't dislike K-On, I thought it was OK really. I guess I'm upset how there's so much more to adapt from Kids/Beck that can be but no one will because it doesn't sell. All coming down to the almighty dollar/yen/bottlecap...
K-On was a shit anime, but just because some shit anime is more popular than a good anime, doesn't make the good anime any worse. You may have a point about Beck still having more to adapt but Sakamichi is a whole, complete work, it doesn't need any more. Also you talk about how everything is about money, but duh, everything always has, only a few people in the industry sit down and decide to make art. But just because anime is made to sell, doesn't mean good anime has stopped being produced, we live in a very lucky time where more anime than ever is being produced, there's something for everyone to enjoy pretty much every season, and while some might call this over-saturation, I call an opportunity. The amount of money in the anime industry at the moment is pretty staggering, and that gives animators more money to play around, refine animation and create good anime.