Data Zero wrote...
Asuzu wrote...
Data Zero wrote...
*releases Asuzu with counter poison*
I dont know what to make. BUT i need to learn some magic. Preferrably to counter not to attack. Healing spells and barriers would be nice.
2nd. Anzei went completely bonkers. Im preparing for worst. Taking weapons from armory and sharpening katana.
It is time to react to this lunacy.
Lets hope my luck will last.
*loads the guns. Prepares for battle that might not happen*
And i need to learn magic. FAST!
hmmmhmm..... hmhmhm.....hmhmhmhmhmaaahahahaha baaaaahahahahahahaha!!!! *Sits up and continues laughing* He wants to play dirty? ok... 2 can play that game *Pulls out a little black silk sack* Know whats in here my friend? *Grins evily*
Dont want to know.
But i sure wanna know when Anzei comes back. I have a baseball bat. Louisville Slugger. Want one Asuzu?
Dont need it *Holds out the black bag* Because I have this. and im sorry but I am going to tell you what it is tho you dont want to know so that you will know why I dont need the bat.
What is in this bag... is candy. But not just any kind of candy. But something I have been experimenting with for a while now. A way for me to be able to fight incase something were to go wrong and I needed to defend myself because I do not have any special abilities like some of the others here nore am I that good with weapons or the strongest physically.
Back on topic, this piece of candy when ingested gives the person inhuman strength and allows them to take just about anything thrown at them. Not going to get into the details of this but the only problem is that it is incomplete. I mean it works but only for about 5min... then there are the side effects... *Looks down at the ground*