*After a small amount of time they reach the island and get a local transport company to help get them to the forest for the ram hunting.After a two hour drive to the heart of the island forest the men stop after hearing a large growl that seems to tear the heavens, and their ears, and a broad path of trees that seem to have been punched and beaten down in a ragged path*
*Dark looks at book "Island huntin' : Extreme Game"*
"Looks likes thats the sign of it.The Cretean Ram, a 7 tonne, 20 foot beast of pure muscle. Known to be extremely aggressive and one of the most dangerous of legged wild game. Historically, the createan ram has been called by a variety of name such as Sluvkjr, Ovis Exterminatum, and most widely known, the minotaur."
*holds up book to show picture of the ram*
"Heres the picture so that you guys know how to find it,doesn't seem that hard, considering its pretty big and left us a trail here"

" Really though, I can't believe you guys actually wanted to come along for this, I was almost sure I would have to call in CAS for this, so what kind of weapons did you guys bring?Tanks?Rocket launchers?Perhaps even afew man portable grenade launchers in case you guys wanna have some fun?"