Lance177 wrote...
I think it's based on two thing.
There is a certain mythicalismus about marksmen. Lonely guys deep in enemy teritory heroically sniping an officer.
Or the complete opposite of feeling it's one of the safer positions because you support/shoot from long distance.
But truth is that beeing a sniper is the worst ocupation in the army also most feared one (there were surveis about that). That gives a captured marksman really low chance of survival. In Vietnam if other side captured a sniper they were usually death in matter of minutes after capturing.
The problem of sniper is in the psychology of marksman. This man has to be calm withstand directly seeing how a head of someone is blew up in magnified scope. That killed person is problably someone he choose and observed for days before taking an action. Very little people can withstand such psychological preasure.
I have this problematic very well studied I could talk about this for hours.
Well. it might not fit since its about a game, but my clanmate said that sniper is high risk high reward type. If you miss from a close range, you better hope you have quick feet. If you miss from long range, make sure you dont miss your second shot. Chance for 3rd one is little. But thats if you use bolt action. Using semi automatic sniper rifle makes your survivability bit higher.
When talking about support, in MW2, riot shield. A good user can turn the tide of a battle.
And both MT-LBV APCs are fixed.
Gonna fix BMP-T IFVs now.