VALERIY: Ah, that so. Well, that's understandable, Russkiy yazyk yavlyayetsya trudnym yazykom.
Anyway, got some news from Ukraine, one of their state-owned firms RPC Fort received a license from Israeli Weapons Industries to manufacture their own Tavor 21 Assault Rifles. As far as I've heard, they haven't given it a designation yet but their variant is chambered for the Soviet 5.45x39mm round which their Armed Forces still use. At the moment, only their special forces Berkut has been issued with the rifle but we'll probably see regiments armed with them soon enough.
So far, IWI only manufactures TAR-21s chambered for either 5.56x45mm or 9mm and there have been rumours that they sold a license to India to manufacture ones in their 5.56x30mm MINSAS round but I haven't seen any evidence to prove it.
5.45x39 labelled nicely so you don't load the wrong calibre.
Anyway, that's pretty much all I came here to post about.