Data Zero wrote...
Keirova_47 wrote...
Indeed, a warrior isn't defined by their appearance but their will. I always tell my recruits if you hold the will, you will find a way.
Hey Keirova, do you believe the phrase "Basics kill"?
That phrase implies that if soldiers apply the tactics they learnt at 'Basic' in the field, they will get themselves killed. I would say that its not necessarily true.
Obviously if the brass thought that what they taught soldiers was important for war, they would keep teaching it. The problem is that war constantly changes and the training doesn't update as quickly.
Take WW1 for example, almost halfway into the war, soldiers were still trained in 'basic' Napoleonic warfare maneuvers which proved ineffective in the new trench warfare.
A more recent example would be our ongoing Middle Eastern conflict. At the start, we fought in direct combat with the enemy but as time went on, they adopted a doctrine of guerilla warfare using the IED.
So I wouldn't say 'basics kill' but rather basic training gets outdated. I always teach my recruits to be flexible when they are deployed. In the words of the great John Cleese; "Adopt, Adapt and Improve"
Warfare changes, training doesn't adapt fast enough.
"Adopt, Adapt and Improve"