Manes wrote...
Cruz wrote...
Manes wrote...
(((Cruz))) wrote...
Manes wrote...
What are your thoughts on RodrigoDuterte?
I feel he's the kind of president mexico needs or even murika
The united states needs a temper throwing manlet who'd give himself the authority to do what he wants?
Yeah, don't think so.
What happens if you argue with (((Cruz)))-kun
Not everyone who tells you that you're delusional is a zionist. Maybe you are just supporting a delusional manlet?
I just wish there was someone who could force the world to be a better place. I'm tired of rampant crime, high violence, and popular acceptance of drugs and gangs as a positive lifestyle. All the folk these days want to be gangbangers or club sluts. Duterte at least tried, even if the police force eventually became horridly corrupt, but he tried.
PS: I live in Flori-duh, a shithole.
@Manes to be honest I think forcing something sounds pretty wrong for me convincing is much more better because if you force something it will eventually break or if it's strong and you can't eventually bend it anymore it will some sort hit you with a whiplash (just think of a rattan wood or any strong thing that you can bend and if your hand can't able to grasp it with your hand it will eventually strike back it might eventually kill you in the process if you are bending something sharp)
i believe extremism be gets extremism violence be get violence. so i always go back to the rule of do un to other what you want other to do un to you. and that's why i hate duterte his motives might be good many people thinks that he's motives is good.
sometimes i agree to him sometimes not. maybe i'm thinking of a person that doesn't exist in the world to convince people and do some good in the world but I will be sure surprise if someone out their who has a pure heart run a country and then people started become clannad like lol.
but ofcourse anyone will say in the back of thier mind that this person is crazy or delusional and trying to avoid the fact that this is reality and killing lying backstabbing cheating is a norm.
well anyways like i said i'm not a good person and i'm not that unattached to what's really happening it just that i still believe if I will be given a chance to live in environment full of people who are nice,perfect,good and pure hearted i might feel out of place because I'll feel awkward and might feel suspicious about them i might get irritated to them because they are too nice and pampering and showering me with unconditional love like parent will do for her children(when i mean this i mean a parent that swears this parent will just give 100 or 1000 of her life to her/his children)
i might feel out of place, feel the feeling of disbelief and feel of being suffocated because of too much love maybe some people would feel that way not sure why it just screams like in my head that i don't want to be part of this it suffocating and corny i think many or some people will feel that way not sure why people tend to go the other way when it plainly says happiness on the right side and on the left side is corruption.
but i think if a child was raise in a environment with full of this kind of good perfect nice people she/he will become that kind of person.(same to an adult too they may not notice that they are subconsciously being influenced by this environment and becomes a good person without knowing it.) i don't believe in things like heritage like when your parent is a killer you'll end up a killer too or if your parent is a good person your child will end up as a good person too.
it's like a parent national champion skater has a child that isn't interested in skating and bad at it. but is their a room for improving if the parent teaches her child? i think yes.
so basically what i'm saying it about influence rather than imprinted genes in mankind like humans are made to kill or something like that.
and at the same time would like to meet people that might not be even exist in real life and maybe learn from them. and other than that they might feel like a cult if they are too good to be true but as long as they don't to ritual sacrifices with blood or anything killing something or anything shady( and they don't praise something and just like act a good charming neighbors just like if you have sanae and akio as a neighbor type of thing and the other people in clannad
(plus they don't use the golden rule and just do things because they want to do it without getting something back from it) i will want to meet this kind of people and maybe the next time i see a person who is seeking a person like them i might help them and smile.
lol we might never know it might spread like a culture. lol
update: why is the USA sending ships in north korea?