Harune wrote...
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Senior-Jenkins changed from Dial-Up type to DSL type!
Zafhner got 400円 for winning!
Pretty much everything that was playing in my head
No.. Haruruu! You have been plagued by BiBiBi Disease!
Zafhner wrote...
Don't believe Ol'Jen when he says his senses were dulled - I was cut to shreds in Soku[size=8] And then served as appetizer, egads[/h]
Zafira, please.
It's just because you want to master Alice and she happens to be my 2nd main. My senses are still relatively dull for characters aside from my top 2 main aces.
Zafhner wrote...
Generally speaking, people who are looking to start out in touhou should also choose the easiest difficulty setting before proceeding, since "EASY" itself has a different meaning in ZUN's vocabulary.
Playing in easy difficulty could be misleading due to the fact that sometimes there is a huge gap between easy and normal. Not to count that some games require players to finish the game in normal difficulty at the very least in order to achieve good endings. Since both hard and lunatic are self-explanatory, that leaves only normal mode for the most plausible solution, in my opinion.