Old - Jenkins wrote...
And since Zandwarf is talking about "essentially", why don't we associate TD with UFO considering how its core gameplay mechanic essentially revolving in collecting unique things to earn either life points, score, or bombs? Honestly, I don't see how you could alienate UFO for being special or off from the usual formula. No real objection for EoSD however, though I feel the need to add that it's also the only windows-based game with no hitbox support by the default, which makes it relatively more difficult than the other installments in the same platform.
It appears to me you're saying that every game is essentially the same, which is pretty much true. The only thing I don't understand is why you took a long road explaining only to end up in the starting spot.
UFO and TD are similar, sure, but TD is far more easier to collect the Life/Bomb items than UFO is. The major difference is the fact that in TD you get the life/bomb orbs from special enemies and from the end of every stage boss' and mid-boss' spell-cards. In UFO, if you don't go after the mini-ufos or mess them up (getting 2 red ufos and then a green one (happens most often when dodging bullets)), you only get two life tokens per stage, the boss and mid-boss.
I am not saying that every game is essentially the same. Sure, there are 6 stages with enemies, bullets, mid-bosses, stage bosses, and then extra stages; but the mechanics behind the games make them different than every other game. In terms of the basic mechanics of how to get lives and bombs, there are similarities and there are major differences. You have the score category (EoSD), the item category (PCB and IN), the enemy/power category (MoF and SA), the boss/token category (UFO), and then you finally have, and what is currently being used, the enemy/spell-card category (TD and DDC). In the score category, you only get lives at certain score points, and if you have the max lives when you get another life, you get a bomb. Item is similar, but is based off of how many items you collect throughout the game. In the enemy/power category, you only get life tokens from specific enemies (mostly mid-bosses and stage bosses spell-cards), and your bombs are reliant upon your power level. In the boss/token category, you have to collect a certain set of tokens to get a chance at a life or bomb, and then you get a life token at the end of the stage after the boss fight and after you beat the mid-boss. Finally, in the enemy/spell-card category, you get a life/bomb part from a certain enemy during the stage and after every spell-card used by the mid-bosses and stage bosses (and most of the time it is only if you didn't die or use a bomb).
[size=0]I'm going to use Suika, Suwako, and Remilia in the Soku tourney.[/h]
EoSD is different, because of what I stated previously. PCB is different, because you collect cherry blossom items to get a border bonus that can either be used as a free bomb or to gain score. IN is different in the fact that you collect time tokens (get enough and you see a special spell-card at the end of the stage). MoF and SA are the only two games that are the most alike in the entire series, that being that your bombs require 1.00 power level in order to use them, you get a life token after every spell-card if you didn't die or use a bomb, and there are also certain enemies that give the life tokens. UFO, you have to forcefully collect items from bouncing flying UFOs while dodging bullets (if you don't, you're pretty much screwed unless you're really... really good at UFO) otherwise you only get a life token from beating the mid-boss and stage boss. In TD, you get spirit points that can be used to make you invincible for 3-10 seconds, and you earn spirit orbs from every enemy including power/point items. And then in DDC, you get bomb/life tokens depending on how many items you collect and beating the mid-bosses and stage bosses.
What I'm saying is that every game is different, and every game is similar. But they are more different, than they are alike.
I'm goin' to defend my point to the death, unless something/someone persuades me otherwise.