brok3n butterfly wrote...
Finally faced off against Kokoro-Story-Hard. She's not too difficult. Her diving spell is hard though. It breaks your block in two hits and if you are caught by her you get 4 total hits. Very easy to lose a life to it.
Despite how lethal it is, Kokoro's Mask of an Angry Hated Wolf is still pretty much bearable with precise timing, decent speed, decent non-Buddha bullets, and skill cards that involve dense projectile (not mandatory). Keep moving left and right to bait Kokoro and shower her with bullets as soon as she is within your line of sight and range; this way, you can attack her while she is attacking. Make sure to shower her with more bullets and fists while she is recharging to garner the best possible damage for one turn.
It's just the usual strategy to conquer spellcards in fighting games:
Victory = Analyze the spellcards's pattern + Repeat(Wait for your chance -> Strike)
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Him: "Is that a movie?"
Are you sure he doesn't have holes for eyes?
Just like with Zafira, PMing Haru seems to be the most plausible solution to have matches.
You meant to say, "I am Titan, you are human".
Those are fighting words.