Old - Jenkins wrote...
brok3n butterfly wrote...
I'm not sure how to kill you but the ending of Blazblue will likely do some damage.
Urk, reading this made me feel cancerous. Should I credit you as one of the major reasons for the making of Disappearance of Me movie. How did Jin acquire the 'ice-sword'? He already had Yukianesa since the beginning.
The "I am Sword Guy" is Hakumen, right'o. Do you know who or what he actually is? Perhaps, I am expecting too much out of that anime, but his identity is pretty vital on Tsubaki and story development.
I don't mind some Rachel service. Though, I'd prefer seeing more Tsubaki or Nu/Lambda.
Do you know how to say 'terrible' in either spanish or france? If you do, you might as well use it to describe your .gif avatar.
Jin seemed to "awaken" to what his sword can do. He had the sword the whole time but never used its ice-powers until then I think. What Hakumen is was never really explained. It seemed like he was the only one capable of beating Cauldron-Noel but was content with watching Jin and Ragna fight.
I can't help the terrible color quality gif's produce. If APNG was widely supported I would be using that.
Old - Jenkins wrote...
This is still a Touhou Game Club. If anybody else is up for trying to raise some no-Remilia topics we can talk or argue about, then I'm game. Recently, I've been playing a space conquest game simulator all-day and night, so my knowledge and skills of Touhou are at the lowest it can possibly be. Maybe Zandwarf can murder me with his eyes closed now.
Topic: Why is ojou-sama objectively best girl?
Answer: Because she is objectively best girl.
/Topic #inb4BestGirlFlameWar