Posting to advance Jenkins-free-page plot. 8 more posts needed.
Zafhner wrote...
I for one, throw my lot in with the Vampiric Tea Party (VTP). [size=9]I am okay with using loli avatars though.[/h]
Zafhner wrote...
brok3n butterfly wrote...
gitaaa wrote...
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Doesn't "omaesama" suggest you are well respected by the speaker? At the same time though using "omae" sounds like the speaker doesn't care enough about you to use any kind of name. This is nice. I think "omaechan" would be nice too. Even "anta" works.
Does it? I thought it was just like "omae" but a little less rude. Either works for Satori, anyway.
none related;
Shinobu is a good girl
Shes not a good girl, shes best girl. She's not Italian though and needs to disguise herself as a middle schooler periodically.
Zafhner wrote...
gitaaa wrote...
On a touhou related note, I can capture Mokou's first five spells now. Not reliably, though.
I think just managing to capture those are an achievement in itself.
Within a week both of you can beat Mokou. Fujiyama Volcano and the timeout card might try to slow you down though.
Speaking of the games. After 2 or 3 months of not doing danmaku I felt the need to take on Kanako and Okuu on normal. That was a mistake.
If Kate wasn't in the show, she would be best girl. You will see why in episode 4.
Zandorf wrote...
brok3n butterfly wrote...
As if you can possibly conquer Kate. This is why you aren't highly regarded by her. I'm aware that she is the conquerer and take a happy position being dominated by her. Hence, she likes me and Gitaa better.
Or so you think. You clearly don't understand the complexity of her character at this point.
And what's up with you bringing up random Touhou topics related to Remi?
Of you have been deluded by watching her sleep for too long. Perception differences aside, if you have watched episode 4...
did anyone else notice the kind of room Kate sleeps in? Its hardly what you would expect. Its becoming more clear that she isn't a normal human either. Powers aside, in the last two flashbacks when she appeared she didn't look younger suggesting she ages slowly or simply doesn't age physically. I'm betting on there being more flashback episodes until Kate's episode comes up.
Because its been a while since we had a Remi topic.
Total Wallpaper Conquest. I second forming an alliance, even though it seems we already have. I also suggest an alliance with the Vampiric Tea Party (VTP) and Haru. Who is in Haru's avi?