Rin_Penelope wrote...
Article#18 : Reisen, Moon Rabbit

Old - Jenkins wrote...
TwilightEngel wrote...
I got my character for my RPG created. Her name is Michi-The Volcanic Guardian.
Cute little article, although I do feel bad for her having to become a pet for the rest of her life.
Will she be a rival for cirno in term of stupidity as well ? lol
She looks cool.
Mine ..
Yamaxanadu is a title for judge.
She and Shikieiki have the same position .. and their powers are kind of similar. The only difference is their personality. Eiki is strict, and has the charisma to become a true judge. But Yukianesa is more carefree, she never believe nor care about written rule. When she feel like doing something, then she will do it. She move only by her own ideology and principal.
Her Death-scythe named "Scythe of Soulless" .. it serves the same purpose as Eiki's "Rod of Remorse", both are used as the main weapon/signature weapon.
Scythe of Soulless cannot hurt you physically. But it will attack your psychology.
You can be a soulless, cold doll just by being cut. Probably explain why her name is Yukianesa (snow woman).
Nah. Michi is actually pretty smart. Her lowest stat is in charisma, actually. And your character is pretty neat. I especially like her attack, "Scythe of Soulless," and how it doesn't deal actual, physical damage. Mental damage can be just as bad, imo.
Yama-kun wrote...
This Touhou character maker is funny, but unfortunately I'm not so creative when it comes to costume characters.
Yuki, the snow rabbit
Her name is Yuki because it means "snow" in japanese. She lives in the top of the mountain, a little much more higher where it's snow. She can get out of her house in the mountain, but she likes it at home. Where she's makes future plans, just like Nitori. Yuki is somehow mixed with Nitori and Cirno, since she's a genius and snow Rabbit, but she's not a idiot just like Cirno.
She had also her advent Yuki mode, which is funny. also mixed with Cirno and Reisen. She suppose to have those bunny guns. she doesn't have much relation in the touhou world, be she knows Letty and Eirin.
Hehe, cute character. I especially like her bunny guns. That was a neat touch.
Old - Jenkins wrote...
Rin_Penelope wrote...
Article#18 : Reisen, Moon Rabbit
Let's compare this Reisen to our Udonge, shall we ?
Whose better ?
I gotta go with Undonge, even though this Reisen is cute as well.
Blank_Zai wrote...
The First Edition of Prismriver Concerto. I hope you all like it!.
Thank you for this! I download it asap! :)
Mello wrote...
...it's stupid. I've run into quite a big IRL pinch, and it was completely unexpected. Now all of a sudden I have to work 12 to 14 hours for the rest of the week... =_=; THIS IS RETARDED.
I'm still working on it, though. The first chapter WILL come out soon. Here, proof:
MORE TO COME, MORE TO COME. I'm being pressured. :(
It's all good. Take your time. I've got plenty of time this week to edit so.